January 31st, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Jake #3 of New York City

My Heart Goes Out To The MidWest
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — 75 degrees below zero? Anything below 50 degrees and my joints want me to stay in bed. I've ordered a heated mattress pad because it's going to head into the 30s next week in Las Vegas.
If you're in the polar vortex please stay indoors and be safe! My thoughts and prayers are with you.
To all those that donated thank you! I January is covered and I'm starting to put money away for February. My reserves are at the 16% level. At this time I have about a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

Oscar Isaac Might Be Timothée Chalamet’s Daddy
By Rose Dommu
Hollywood — Today in twink news: Timothée Chalamet is getting a new daddy. Oscar Isaac, aka the subject of roughly half of the Internet’s existing gay Star Wars fan fiction, is in talks to play Chalamet’s father in the upcoming big screen adaptation of sci-fi classic Dune, according to Variety. (More)

Mermen Arrive at B Ocean Resort's Wreck Bar
By Staff
Fort Lauderdale, FL — An all-male underwater burlesque show? Your dreams have come true, thanks to MeduSirena's Aquanauts, who arrive this February at B Ocean Resort. (More)

Michael Caine Recalls His ‘Dicey’ Kiss with Christopher Reeve in ‘Deathtrap’
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — Veteran actor Michael Caine spoke to Rolling Stone about his co-starring role with Christopher Reeve in Deathtrap, the 1982 thriller about a playwright and his student. Amid multiple plot twists involving murder, suspicion, and creative collaboration, Reeve and Caine engage in a kiss. (More)

A Survey Named The City That's Most Tolerant Towards LGBTI People In Russia
By Tom Capon
Russia — St Petersburg was named the most tolerant city in Russia towards LGBTI people, according to a recent survey. The survey, conducted by Zoom Market, asked 2400 people in twenty cities in the Russian Federation. They were asked two questions: ‘how do you feel about sexual minorities?’ and ‘are there any representatives of sexual minorities among your friends?’ (More)

Man’s Transformation From Jock To Bear Has Gay Twitter’s Attention
By David Grant
Cyberspace — Countless diet and exercise programs promise weight loss results, but Dusty Fuller was looking for a different sort of #bodygoal. (More)

Max Arion, Logan Rogue Train Studs for Lucas Entertainment
By JC Adams
New York City, NY — “Stepdad” Logan Rogue enlists Max Arion to dominate “stepsons” Ken Summers and Dakota Payne in a new group sex scene now in digital release from Lucas Entertainment. (More)

73 Portraits of Soccer Stars and Saints
By Ronaldo Gutierrez
Cyberspace — Ronaldo Guiterrez lives in Santo Andree, Brazil, and teaches at the Bio Ritmo Academia. Recently he told WorldofModels.org, "I’m a Brazilian photographer and I was born in São Paulo. Since my childhood I have been attracted to some classic painters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Rubens, Caravaggio, and others. I have always wanted to be a painter and create some pieces of art, however, I don’t even know how to draw a circle, so I decided to create my own pictures." (More)