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Jas Morgan

Cleveland - 1st Review



San Diego - 17th Review


January 24th, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Jas Morgan of Cleveland

Jas Morgan of Cleveland


I'm So Over It!

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV — I guess that they're too old to be spanked. I'm getting so tired of the Tit-For-Tat tantrums that our Government's leaders continue to do. We need to remember both parties next year when it's time to begin the next cycle of our Government. It's time for the current parties to "Exit, pursued by a bear."

I hope that those that were out and about at MAL took notes. Washington, DC has always been special to me and I'd love it if you'd write a review for the venues that made it special for you. Next it'll be time to take a look at Chicago for IMF.

To all those that donated thank you! I survived 2018 and have most of January covered and I'm starting to put money away for Febuary. My reserves are at the 16% level. At this time I have less than a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

Out.com Pete Buttigieg - Possible Presidential Run

Mayor Pete Buttigieg Wants to Be America's First Openly Gay President

By Harron Walker

South Bend, IN — Another Democrat has entered the ring. Pete Buttigieg, the 37 year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, announced Wednesday that he is launching a committee to explore a presidential run in 2020 (More)


California State Senate Committee Swaps out ‘He’ and ‘She’ For ‘They’ As Official Legal Pronoun

By Savas Abadsidis

Sacramento, CA — Judiciary Committee chair Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) announced that only “gender neutral” pronouns will be permitted during committee hearings. Jackson spoke about the change on Thursday, which affects her committee, and said it’s a matter of gender. (More)

Aaron Schock - Resurfaces

Former Represenative Aaron Schock Resurfaces on Instagram

By Staff

Los Angeles, CA — Former U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock has been out of the spotlight for some time now. In case you forgot, he resigned from Congress in March 2015 due to a scandal involving the politician's use of public and campaign funds. (More)

Keen News Service

Supreme Court Hands Trump Temporary Win On Trans Ban

By Lisa Keen

Washington, DC — The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday granted the Trump administration’s request to temporarily vacate two national injunctions that have prevented a ban on transgender people in the military from going into effect. But the order denied the administration’s request that the Supreme Court immediately take up the matter of whether President Trump’s proposed ban is constitutional, and some LGBT legal activists say an injunction in another case keeps the ban intact. (More)

queerty.com Christian Bales - Covington Graduate

Gay Graduate From Racist Catholic School Says He’s “Not Surprised”

By Graham Gremore

Park Hills, KY — An openly gay graduate from Covington Catholic High School is speaking out against his alma mater after disturbing video of their students engaged in a confrontation with a Native American elder went viral last week. (More)

365 Gay

Why Is Gay Underage Sex Criminalized When Straight Sex Is Not?

By Jacob Ogles

California — A “Romeo & Juliet" law in California keeps many young adults out of the state’s sex offender registry, but not in the case of two Romeos or two Juliets. Now, a new bill filed by state Sen. Scott Weiner, D-San Francisco, could end that inequity and prevent stigma on many LGBTQ young adults in the Golden State. (More)

Okkar Min Maung - LGBTI Hero

Myanmar's Biggest Gay Celebrity 'feels free' Six Months After Coming Out

By Rik Glauert

Myanmar — Myanmar’s most famous gay man, Okkar Min Maung, has been recognized as an LGBTI Hero ahead of the country’s largest pride festival this month. (More)