January 28th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Kayden Gray of London

Perhaps It's Time
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — "Before there was Jill Stein, there was Ralph Nader. Before there was Nader, there was Ross Perot. None won. All argued that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party were basically the same, and the only way to make real change was to ditch them both. Each was blamed for siphoning off enough votes to throw the presidential elections." — theatlantic.com
Perhaps it was a matter of timing. Perhaps it's time to start reevaluating these two parties and the harm they've done to our country. Perhaps it's time to turn the country over to the next generation. Two people in their seventies have taken our government down for over a month and it appears that in three weeks it'll start all over again.
Where are those people in their forties that are needed to revitalize our government and our economy? It's time to start looking at our options other than the those two dinosaurs in power.
To all those that donated thank you! I survived 2018 and have most of January covered and I'm starting to put money away for Febuary. My reserves are at the 16% level. At this time I have about a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

A ‘Love Letter’ to Mexico’s Radical, Queer Culture in the 80s
By Manul Btancourt
Hollywood — The opening scene of Hari Sama’s This Is Not Berlin (Esto no es Berlin) is a portrait of toxic masculinity. A group of young boys are fighting one another in a dusty field. Presented in slow-motion, their punches and bloodied faces are exaggerated. In the center of the shot stands a still Carlos (a striking Xabiani Ponce de León), a boy whose soft features and long brown locks set him apart from the chaos around him. It’s no surprise he’s knocked out; he barely puts up a fight. (More)

Are Scruff’s New Photo Policies a Dark Precursor To FOSTA/SESTA Legalized Censorship of LGBT Content?
By Savas Abadsidis
Cyberspace — LA based psychiatrist Tim McCall told Towleroad “FOSTA/SESTA needs to be repealed. It was a badly written law to begin with, impractical to implement, and has the general effect of stifling freedom of speech and of association, particularly impacting sexual minorities, but it’s just generally a bad law. (More)

Frankie Grande posts sexy naked photos for birthday
By Anya Crittenton
Cyberspace — Singer Frankie Grande celebrated his birthday on Thursday (24 January). In honor of it, he posted several photos of his ‘birthday suit’ on Instagram — and they are sexy. (More)

Michael Jackson Accusers' Film Gets Standing Ovation, Estate Rebuke
By Lindsey Bahr (AP)
Park City, UT — It's not uncommon for audiences at the Sundance Film Festival to give standing ovations, but the ceremonial act took on a solemn air as two men who accuse Michael Jackson of molesting them as boys walked onstage following the festival's only screening of "Leaving Neverland," a documentary about their stories. (More)

Pro wrestler Anthony Bowens strips down and opens up
By Graham Gremore
Cyberspace — Instastud Anthony Bowens is foregoing his clothes in the February edition of Gay Times. In a new interview with the magazine, the 28-year-old pro wrestler talks about coming out as gay, after previously coming out as bisexual. (More)

Zac Efron’s Looks Could Kill as Ted Bundy in New Biopic Trailer
By Braqndon Voss
Hollywood — Zac Efron is taking his reputation as a lady-killer to another level. The first teaser trailer has been released for Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, in which the 31-year-old heartthrob stars as Ted Bundy, one of the world’s most notoriously handsome and charismatic serial killers. If the trailer can be believed, Bundy also had a rockin’ bod. (More)

89 Photos of Mostly Naked Show-Offs for Voyeurs
By Shawn Collins
Cyberspace — Photographer Shawn Collins has a talent for finding young men who like to strip down and show off some abs and tats for his camera. (More)