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Diesel Gemini

Denver - 1st Review



Brazil - 2nd Review


May 1st, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Diesel Gemini of Denver

Diesel Gemini of Denver


Only If We Allow It

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV — Fake new can only exist if we allow it to exist. Pete Buttigieg was briefly accused of sexual assault. The story was later retracted with the blame being placed on two "infamous Republican Hoaxers." What appalls me is that no where are demands being made for investigations and prosecution of the people tesponsible.

Fake news will happen only if we allow it to happen. There should be limits to how far one can go to discredit another candidate. Where are the great newscasters where truth was their watchword instead of the over spun pap that they are attempting to feed us.

We're still in the process of rebuilding the reserves. If this site has been of use to you, please consider helping so we can continue the work that has become a labor of love. How to Donate Page

Thanks to your donations the April bills are covered, For the rest of the month, donations will be added into the reserves. My reserves are on the rise and currently at the 11% level. Any help is appreciated.

Out.com Mikah Meyer - Been To Every National Park

Meet Mikah Meyer, the Gay Guy Who’s Been to Every National Park Ever

By Michelle Garcia

United States — Mikah Meyer wanted to do something huge for his 30th birthday; something truly spectacular. After a bit of pondering, the idea of hitting the road to see all of the national parks in the U.S. enticed him. (More)

Impeach or Investigate? Democrats See No Reason to Choose

By Lisa Mascaro (AP)

Washington, DC — Whatever happens next, don't call it impeachment. House Democrats have been careful not to rush to impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump in the aftermath of Robert Mueller's report, despite calls to do so by high-profile lawmakers and 2020 presidential contenders. (More)

TowelRoad.com Zac Efron - Ellon Ab Off

Zac Efron Had an Ab-Off with His Wax Figure and Topped It with Some Advice

By Staff

Hollywood — Zac Efron sat down with Ellen today and she had someone for him to meet: his Madame Tussaud’s Baywatch wax figure, complete with creepily realistic armpit hair. (More)

Gay Star News

Stephen Fry Joins Celebrities Condemning Proposed Eurovision Boycott

By Staff

Hollywood — Stephen Fry is among many celebrities condemning the proposed boycott of the Eurovision song contest 2019. (More)

queerty.com Buttigiteg - Amateurish Political Hit job

Sexual Assault Allegations Against Pete Buttigieg Revealed To Be Amateurish Political Hit-Job

By Daniel Villarreal

Cyberspace — Yesterday, a vaguely written article appeared on Medium allegedly written by a 21-year-old Michigan man named Hunter Kelly which accused Pete Buttigieg of sexual assault, something which Buttigieg immediately denied — even Republicans didn’t believe the fishy story. (More)

Randy Rainbow Goes After Barr and the Mueller Report in Disney Parody

By Jeff Taylor

Cyberspace — When it first became clear the Mueller Report wasn’t going to be as explosive and damaging to the president as progressives had hoped, Randy Rainbow released a video reacting to the news, singing “The Mueller Blues.” (More)

365 Gay Tyler Oakley - Trevor Project

Trevor Project Takes Text, Chat Services 24/7

By Trudy Ring

New York City, NY — The organization has long provided a 24/7 phone line, but now its text and chat services have gone 24/7 as well, for the first time in the Trevor Project’s 21-year history. The previous hours were 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern daily. (More)