May 9th, 2019
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A Island For The Rest Of The Day
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — I'll be going out this afternoon to pick up the medical supplies that are at the mailbox. Having problems moving around so will probably take the walker out for its debut. A leisurely dinner is in order because my parking space isn't available until 8pm. Update: They didn't open up the parking lot until 11pm. Very long day for me so no reviews until tomorrow.
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Thanks to your donations the April bills are covered and we're working on May. The reserves aree currently at the 11% level. Any help is appreciated.

Chris Hemsworth Is Going to Be a Male Stripper in New Comedy
By Mathew Rodriguez
Hollywood — Chris Hemsworth will be playing the role that he was born to play and we were born to watch: an erotic dancer. (More)

Trump Invokes 'Privilege' Over the Full Mueller Report
By Mary Clare Jalonick and Lisa Mascaro (AP)
Washington, DC — The White House invoked executive privilege Wednesday, claiming the right to block lawmakers from the full report from special counsel Robert Mueller on his Trump-Russia probe and escalating the battle between President Donald Trump and Congress. (More)

Stephen Colbert Destroyed Anne Hathaway by Surprising Her with Her Idol, RuPaul
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — Anne Hathaway got a big surprise on The Late Show Tuesday night after revealing that her favorite “comfort food on television” show is RuPaul’s Drag Race. (More)

Gilead to Release Its U.S. Truvada Patent a Year Early to One Company
By Daniel Reynolds
Foster City, CA — The pharmaceutical company revealed that Teva Pharmaceuticals — the world's largest manufacturer of generic drugs, which is based in Israel — will be able to release a generic version of the HIV prevention treatment on September 30, 2020. (More)

Matt Bomer Stars As Gay Weatherman With An Unlikely Friend
By Anya Crittenton
Hollywood — In the new movie Papi Chulo, gay actor Matt Bomer stars as a gay weatherman down on his luck. During this tough time, he makes an unexpected friend. (More)

Trump Administration Appeals Ruling Granting Gay Couple’s Son Citizenship
By Jeff Taylor
Washington, DC — The U.S. State Department has appealed a ruling granting a gay couple’s son citizenship. Andrew and Elad Dvash-Banks live in Los Angeles and were married in Canada in 2010. They have twin boys, Ethan and Aiden, who were born via surrogacy in 2010. (More)

Discover The Homoerotic Work Of Vintage Photographer George Platt Lynes
By David Reddish
Cyberspace — For anyone wanting a bit of visual gay history–or just wanting to see how men looked back in “the day”–look no further than the work of George Platt Lynes, the photographer who specialized in photographing gay men. A bunch of his work goes up for auction this week. (More)