May 2nd, 2019
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Coverboy Terry of Las Vegas

Only If We Allow It
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — Fake new can only exist if we allow it to exist. Pete Buttigieg was briefly accused of sexual assault. The story was later retracted with the blame being placed on two "infamous Republican Hoaxers." What appalls me is that no where are demands being made for investigations and prosecution of the people tesponsible.
Fake news will happen only if we allow it to happen. There should be limits to how far one can go to discredit another candidate. Where are the great newscasters where truth was their watchword instead of the over spun pap that they are attempting to feed us.
We're still in the process of rebuilding the reserves. If this site has been of use to you, please consider helping so we can continue the work that has become a labor of love. How to Donate Page
Thanks to your donations the April bills are covered, For the rest of the month, donations will be added into the reserves. My reserves are on the rise and currently at the 11% level. Any help is appreciated.

This Documentary Is A Worthy Tribute To A Los Angeles LGBTQ+ Icon
By Tre'Vell Anderson
Hollywood — There’s something to be said about a film’s director having distance from its subject. Surely, at minimum, it allows them some “objective” perspective with which they can treat the material, carving out a narrative that is not only interesting to those involved in its creation but to those on the other side of the screen. (More)
Daddy Sez; Circus of Books premieres Friday at 6:30 PM ET at the Village East Cinema. Not known when it will appear on Netflix.

Oprah Winfrey is Apparently a Pete Buttigieg Fan, Had Lunch with Presidential Hopeful
By Staff
Los Angeles, CA — Oprah Winfrey is keeping a close eye on the 2020 presidential election and seems to already have found a favorite among the several Democrats vying for the nomination. (More)

Gay Execs Blocked Me Casting Gay Actors In Straight Roles, Says Greg Berlanti
By Jamie Tabberer
Hollywood — The film and TV director Greg Berlanti has shed light on Hollywood’s history of blocking gay people from playing straight roles. And depressingly, it seems it was Gay people themselves who were often part of the problem back in the day. (More)

Queer Eye’s Fab 5 Just Gave a Heartwarming Makeover to an Adorable Rescue Dog
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — Queer Eye‘s Fab 5 gave their first makeover to a dog in honor of National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day, helping Lacey find her forever home. Lacey is part corgi, part beagle, and possibly part Basset Hound because of the way she plops her butt on the ground to sit down. (More)

Star Athlete Who Came Out As Gay Comes Out Again… As Straight
By Dan Tracer
Australia — Don’t believe everything you read on Instagram. Australian cricket star James Faulkner celebrated his birthday this week by seemingly coming out of the closet via the popular photo-sharing app. (More)

The Government Might Be Gearing Up to Fight Gilead Over a PrEP Patent
By Sam Manzella
Washington, DC — The United States Justice Department has launched a review of a government patent on PrEP, providing the first real indication that officials might be looking to take legal action against Gilead, the manufacturer and patent owner of the drug’s brand-name version, Truvada. (More)

Bipartisan Bill Seeks LGBTQ Housing Protections
By Jacob Ogles
Washington, DC — U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider, an Illinois Democrat, Tuesday introduced legislation to extend consistent nondiscrimination rules. The Fair and Equal Housing Act of 2019 would cover sexual orientation and gender identity the same as race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability. (More)