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Joshua Mann

San Francisco - 4th Review


Adam Simply

New York City - 94th Review


July 2nd, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Joshua Mann of San Francisco

Joshua Mann of San Francisco


Daddy Logo

New Security Package...

By Daddy

Las Vegas — Turns out it was easier to choose which security package than I thought. One package hasn't had any support for a couple years. The 2nd was based on the first and is being actively supported. It needs some "Daddys Secret Sauce" so I'm still playing with it. It's installed and active on the development machine.

Thanks to the bed exercises and the the wrist weights along with the chair exercises, I find that I'm able to get around a lot better. My body has been responding to the strict Atkins diet and I've less fragile. The new meds are already showing good results. Blood sugar was 178 this morning. Doctor wants between 130 and 180.

June is mostly paid for but I'm running on fumes. The reserves are currently at the at <1% level. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo Tom Holland Says Marvel Movies Can’t Center ‘Straight White Guys’

Tom Holland Says Marvel Movies Can’t Center ‘Straight White Guys’

By Rose

Hollywood — Tom Holland, reigning straight Hollywood twink, has said that Marvel will be moving toward the more diverse future they keep talking about in “the next few years,” with the inclusion of queer characters. When asked if Marvel fans should expect a major LGBTQ+ character soon and if Spider-Man could ever be gay, he answered: “Yeah of course. (More)

GayStarNews Logo

LGBTI People Reveal The First Queer Sex Scenes They Saw On Film Or TV

By James Besanvalle

Hollywood — In recent years, there has been an upswing in the representation of LGBTI people featured in major Hollywood films. According to GLAAD’s 2019 Studio Responsibility Index, 20 (18.2%) of the 110 films counted contained LGBTI characters. This is a 5.4% increase from the previous year. (More)

Edge Logo YouTuber & Other Half Of Comedy Duo Phil Lester Comes Out As Gay

YouTuber & Other Half Of Comedy Duo Phil Lester Comes Out As Gay

By Staff

Cyberspace — A few weeks after YouTuber Dan Howell came out as gay, Phil Lester, the other half of a comedy duo with Howell, also revealed he is gay in a video to his 4 million subscribers. (More)

TowleRoad Logo

Liberals And Conservatives Have Wildly Different TV-Viewing Habits – But These 5 Shows Bring Everyone Together

By Johanna Blakey

Hollywood — There’s been a lot of concern about how conservatives and liberals consume their news from sources that merely confirm their preexisting beliefs. The result, supposedly, has been a disintegration of a shared reality and a fracturing of the nation’s political life. (More)

Advocate Logo High School Valedictorian Comes Out As Bisexual To Ovation From Class

High School Valedictorian Comes Out As Bisexual To Ovation From Class

By Tracy E. Gilchrist

New York — As New York City was gearing up for WorldPride, the valedictorian of a high school in New York (which has not been named) came out as a “proud bisexual man” in a moving speech to his graduating class. The room erupted in cheers when the student, Mason Bleu, shared his story with the audience at graduation. (More)

Queerty Logo

‘Harry Potter’ Stars Confirm Harry And Ron Were Crushing On Draco

By Dan Clarendon

Hollywood — Talk about the “Erecto” charm! Harry Potter alums Tom Felton and Rupert Grint say that Harry Potter and Ron Weasley both felt certain stirrings for Draco Malfoy. (More)

Logo Logo What The 2020 Presidential Hopefuls Got Up To For Pride Weekend

What The 2020 Presidential Hopefuls Got Up To For Pride Weekend

By Sam Manzella

United States — Still riding off the high of Pride Month 2019 and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots? You’re not the only one. (More)