July 4th, 2019
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Coverboy Erik of Budapest

Happy 4th Of July!
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Enjoy the fireworks and please be safe and sane.
Thanks to the bed exercises and the the wrist weights along with the chair exercises, I find that I'm able to get around a lot better. My body has been responding to the strict Atkins diet and I've less fragile. The new meds are already showing good results. Blood sugar was 141 this morning. Doctor wants between 130 and 180.
June is mostly paid for but I'm running on fumes. The reserves are currently at the at <1% level. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

These Vintage Nudes By Tom Bianchi Will Take Your Breath Away
By Mikelle Street
Cyberspace — Photographer Tom Bianchi is well known for his sun drenched 1980s Polaroids of the gay mecca, Fire Island. But, the same years Bianchi was pointing his lens at beachgoers for his Fire Island Pines series, he was also chronicling gay life in Manhattan from his Greenwich Village residence. Though he believed then that those images were too explicit for publication, the iconic writer and photographer has released them now in a new book called 63 E 9th Street. (More)

Why Thousands Are Getting Hit With Unexpected Medical Bills
By Simon F. Haedar
West Virginia — Hardly a week goes by without another story in the media covering a family somewhere in America dealing with an outrageous medical bill. Yet, in more and more cases, these families don't have junk insurance, or lack coverage altogether. Indeed, they have what Americans would consider decent coverage, either through their employer or an Affordable Care Act marketplace. (More)

Shopper Flies Into Abusive Rage Over Gay Pride Garden Gnomes
By Staff
England — ‘Four officers attended the Estover branch in Plymouth, Devon, at around 4.25pm on Saturday following reports of an abusive male shouting at staff. An eyewitness said: ‘[A man was] causing a disturbance over a gnome, sort of gay pride flag colours, which I’m all for. ‘The guy started saying random things like it’s a gnome, it’s offended him as they don’t have a sexuality. ‘I’m assuming the guy was offended as they look like they have a gender, that’s the bit I caught of the situation.’’ (More)

Tennessee Just Snuck Through A Law To Chip Away At Marriage Equality
By David Reddish
Tennessee — Lawmakers in Tennessee just struck a low blow to marriage equality by banning anyone ordained online from officiating weddings. As of July 1, only priests, rabbis, ministers, people designated through a temple or church, and public officials can perform weddings, courtesy of a totally unnecessary new law. (More)

Heathrow Airport Placed Pride Adverts Near Royal Brunei Check-in After Death Law Outcry
By Jamie Tabberer
London — Heathrow Airport placed Pride campaign adverts near Royal Brunei Airlines’ check-in area after Brunei briefly made gay sex punishable by death earlier this year. (More)

“Out Of Iraq”: Where Are They Now?
By Christopher Rudolph
Hollywood — The 2016 doc tells the true story of Nayyef Hrebid and Btoo Allami, two enlisted men who fall in love before they are forced to leave the country when Btoo becomes the target of an honor killing. Nayyef, the translator obtains a visa and moves to the U.S., leaving Btoo behind, but both are determined to reunite one day where they are able to love without fear. (More)

Family Of Four Accidentally Books Virgin's Pride Flight, Has A Blast
By Tracy E. Gilchrist
London — A family of four didn’t quite know what they were getting into when they decided to stick with a Virgin Atlantic flight they’d booked from London to New York that eventually became a drag queen and star-studded Pride Flight in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. (More)