July 22nd, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy John_Johnson of Toronto

Progress Over The Weekend
By Daddy
Las Vegas — I still get tired rapidly however I was able to get some work done on the new security system. Part of the magical goodness of the new package is that it supports Role-Based Access Control. RBAC allows me to define different roles and assign them to users in version 3 of the website.
I was able to create and implement the admin role which restricts the backend processing access to only the administrators. I've changed the access for those portions of the system from just being logged in to being logged in as an administrator.
I still need to add the editor, reviewee, and reviewer roles so that I can start implementing those portions of the website. And I still need to add the Daddy Special Sauce" to the package to keep the robots that want to spam the site at bay.
About half of July is in the bank however I'm running on fumes because of the medical expenses. The reserves are depleted. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

The 15 Outfest Films You Must See
By Tre'Vell Anderson
Los Angeles — he time has come for you to schlep your way through another film festival. This time, it’s Outfest, Los Angeles’ premiere LGBTQ+ film festival promising 10 days of new and necessary contributions to the queer cinematic canon. (More)

Moon Back In NASA's Court 50 Years After 1st Lunar Landing
By Marcia Dunn (AP)
Washington D.C. — The White House wants U.S. astronauts on the moon pronto — by 2024, a scant five years from now. The moon will serve as a critical proving ground, the thinking goes, for the real prize of sending astronauts to Mars in the 2030s (More)

Sam Smith’s ‘Inner Dancing Queen’ Comes Out In Slick Dance Pop Ballad ‘How Do You Sleep?’
By Staff
Cyberspace — Sam Smith released his new single “How Do You Sleep?” on Thursday night after teasing that his “inner dancing queen” was ready to come out and that he has never been so excited to put out a single. (More)

George Takei On Donald Trump Administration: 'US Has Hit A New Low'
By Stefania Sarrubba
San Diego — Openly gay actor George Takei has made a crucial point about the treatment of immigrants by the current US administration. (More)

Figure Skaters Eric Radford And Luis Fenero Get Hitched In Romantic Spanish Wedding
By Dan Clarendon
Spain — Here come the grooms! Figure skaters Eric Radford and Luis Funero tied the knot last week in Spain, where gay marriage was legalized all the way back in 2005. (More)

Rance Will Ease Blood Donation Restrictions On Gay And Bi Men
By Jeff Taylor
France — The change is said to be the first step in an attempt to treat men who have sex with men the same as any other donor. (More)

Gay Series I'm Fine Perfectly Captures Millennial Dating Experience
By Ali Walker
Cyberspace — As I'm Fine, a web series about the queer millennial dating experience, has gone on, the characters have grown with it. We follow the main character, Nate, and his band of friends as they splinter off into their own journeys as other friendships develop. This is the third and final season of the show, which explores identity, monogamy, shame, and the gay generational relationship divide. (More)