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October 7th, 2019

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Daddy Logo

Playing In The Trees

By Daddy

Las Vegas — We don't have a weeks worth of reviews so I'm going to work on the locations database for a few days. First there was GeoNames, and that led me to UN/LOCODE the Unite Nations way of encoding location which is interesting in its own way. That then brought me to TreeView and I thought: "That may work for cruising the reviews." So I'm off playing in the Treeview.

Thanks to your help the Rent and Hosting Fees are are paid (or about to be paid) and I have a little extra to keep me going. We've got a start on October while we wait for the rent payment to clear. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo 'Cher' Crashed Sean Hayes' Guest-Host Appearance On 'Ellen'

'Cher' Crashed Sean Hayes' Guest-Host Appearance On 'Ellen'

By Serena Sonoma

Hollywood — The last time Sean Hayes dropped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Brad Pitt was randomly sitting in the audience. During his time as a guest host for the daytime talk show on Friday, Hayes pointed out another familiar face in the audience… Cher! Well, kind of. (More)

Edge Logo

LGBT Groups From Both Sides Of Divided Cyprus Join Forces

By Associated Press

Cyberspace — Gay rights groups from both sides of the ethnic divide in Cyprus have formalized their cooperation in raising public awareness about gay rights and working toward buttressing those rights through legislation. (More)

Queerty Logo The Cast Of ‘The Politician’ On Sexual Fluidity In High School Politics

The Cast Of ‘The Politician’ On Sexual Fluidity In High School Politics

By David Reddish

Hollywood — Sex happens in politics. The new Netflix series The Politician, as produced by Ryan Murphy, knows as much…even when it comes to high school politics. (More)

TowleRoad Logo

Michael Stipe Releases First Solo Track ‘Your Capricious’ Soul’

By Andy Towle

Hollywood — R.E.M. frontman Michael Stipe has released his first solo record, “Your Capricious Soul”, with a video by artist and filmmaker Sam Taylor-Johnson. (More)

Logo Logo Big “Hockey Butt” In Pants Ad Will Melt Your Heart

Big “Hockey Butt” In Pants Ad Will Melt Your Heart

By Brandon Voss

Hollywood — Like big butts and cannot lie? A professional ice hockey player is going viral this week thanks to his cheeky new ad for State & Liberty, an Ann Arbor clothing company that aims to “shed light on a topic a lot of people are not comfortable talking about.” (More)

Advocate Logo

A Gay Congressman Gets Real On Trump's Impeachment And Pence's Future

By John Casey

Washington D.C. — Last week, I forecasted a President and Mrs. Pence, predicting impeachment would move promptly. The main reason being that Republicans would come to the realization that they cannot continue to defend the unearthed and unethical conduct of President Trump described in the whistleblower complaint. (More)

Gailyx  Logo British Gymnast Brinn Bevan Gets Nude For A Deep Tissue Glute Massage

British Gymnast Brinn Bevan Gets Nude For A Deep Tissue Glute Massage

By Staff

Cyberspace — The World Silver Medalist recently showed off his muscular bubble butt as he received a deep tissue massage after a day of intense training. (More)