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Adin Smith

Chicago - 1st Review

New Review w/Photo

Rick P

New York City - 17th Review


September 30th, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Adin Smith of Chicago

Adin Smith of Chicago


Daddy Logo

I'm So Tempted

By Daddy

Las Vegas — I've been looking at the public domain GeoNames which is a database of places. I've loaded the database and I've started playing with it to so see if I'm going to use in version 3 of the website. So far it's impressive with about a lesser version having about 192 thousand places, compared to the current 500 places in the current database. The database cover cities with 500 people and above. More work will be need to make sure I don't hit a "deadend"

I found a ham bone in the freezer and found myself craving a "made-from-scratch Pork and Beans" so I made a pork stock this weekend. Only takes the ham bone, a handful of vegetables and the crock pot to make the stock. So much better than the store- bought variety which can be hard to find at times. It's cooling in the fridge until later this week.

Thanks to your help the Rent and Hosting Fees are covered and I only have one bill that's due now. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo Adam Lambert's 'Velvet: Side A' Is His Best Work Yet

Adam Lambert's 'Velvet: Side A' Is His Best Work Yet

By Mey Rude

Hollywood — Singer, actor, and gay icon Adam Lambert announced that he’s back in a big way with his first EP of new solo material in four years on Thursday night. The six-song EP Velvet: Side A makes up the first half of his new album Velvet, and is packed with great dance jams and killer vocals, celebrating where the singer is at in his life, love, and career. (More)

Edge Logo

What's In His Crotch? British Man Stopped For Suspicious Bulge

By Andy Jehring

United Kingdom — The encounter occurred when Whitehurst was at the register. He had been buying £400 (nearly $500)-worth of stuff when the manager asked about his bulge. "I had very tight jeans on that day and there was a bulge, yes, but that's not illegal. I can't help the way I'm made'" (More)

TowleRoad Logo One Of These 7 Men Is Gay. Can They Figure It Out? Can You?

One Of These 7 Men Is Gay. Can They Figure It Out? Can You?

By Staff

Cyberspace — Perceptions, stereotypes, and assumptions may lead you to believe certain things about people, but they’re almost always misleading. Jubilee brought seven men together, one of whom is gay and keeping it secret. If the group discovers who is gay, they’ll split a cash prize. If the gay man survives without being picked out, he’ll win the cash prize. (More)

Queerty Logo

Gay Guy Worries His Cat Is Homophobic In Hilarious Thread

By Dan Clarendon

Cyberspace — “I think my cat is homophobic,” he wrote in a recent thread. “She heard me having sex with a man last night and now she won’t talk to me. What should I do?” (More)

Logo Logo Ryan Murphy Has Found His Rock Hudson For Netflix’s “Hollywood”

Ryan Murphy Has Found His Rock Hudson For Netflix’s “Hollywood”

By Christopher Rudolph

Hollywood — Ryan Murphy is a very busy man. The prolific producer’s latest series, The Politician, just dropped on Netflix, and he is already working on his next series for the streaming platform, Hollywood. (More)

KeenNews Logo

Supreme Preview: “Stakes Could Not Be Higher”

By Lisa Keen

Washington D.C. — Here’s the blunt reality: The U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings on three cases it will hear arguments about on October 8 could have the most profound consequences yet on LGBT people. (More)

Advocate Logo The Raw Beauty Of Paul Peter's Images

The Raw Beauty Of Paul Peter's Images

By Christopher Harrity

Cyberspace — Paul Peter’s personal work lets him wreak elegant violence on the images themselves. “My journey with photography started 15 years ago when I decided to grab an analog photography course at college. All the traditional techniques with work directly on prints and different paper probably had an impact on my current personal work." (More)