October 30th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Clint of Dallas

New Review Processing
By Daddy
Las Vegas — I'm laying out the views for the new Escort and Reviewer screens. They will be slightly different depending on whether Daddy is editing or that person is editing. Also laying out the Prep Screen for the reviews. That screen will help me locate the people involved in the reviews (i.e. Escort or Reviewer) one of my more time consuming chores at the moment.
My iPhone was exchanged last night and the new one is bright and shiny. Had it on the bedside table all night, and it was still at 100% this morning. I think I can do it, I'm going to go ahead with the "Backup Appliance." Found a kit on Amazon that has everything I need to implement it and it fits in the space where the old Mac mini used to be.
I plan on taking a few days off for veterans day and my birthday so that I can catch up on my sleep. These doctors and nurses are running me ragged. Do have anything planned this year so I'll be wide open if you want to take me out for coffee.
October is covered. However any help is appreciated to build the backup appliance. The ten year old Mac mini is down for the count. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Apple CEO Tim Cook Details Why He Came Out
By Kilian Melloy
Cupertino — im Cook, the openly gay CEO of Apple, who stepped up to take over the company after the death of founder Steve Jobs, spilled the tea on what made him step out of the closet a half-dozen years ago. (More)

Popeyes Is Bringing Back Their Chicken Sandwich Sunday
By Derrick Clifton
United States — After a nearly three-month hiatus due to overwhelming popularity, Popeyes’ is bringing back their beloved chicken sandwich. The best part? The sandwich will make its return to stores on the very day that the item’s chief competitor is closed. (More)

Davey Wavey Talks The Good, The Bad And The Future Of Porn
By Jeffrey Masters
Cyberspace — LGBTQ people—all people, really—often turn to porn to make up for the failures in sex education. "We copy what we see," Davey Wavey, the YouTube personality and creator of Himeros.tv, says. (More)

Nevada Sex Workers Denounce FOSTA's 'Attack' On Their Rights, Safetyd
By Gustavo Turner
Las Vegas — Las Vegas Sun, the city’s leading daily newspaper, published an article yesterday interviewing sex workers and advocates about how FOSTA — the supposedly anti-trafficking bill passed by Congress with overwhelming bipartisan support and signed into law by President Trump in April 2018 — has endangered them and put them at the mercy of “sex traffickers and pimps.” (More)

Look Out For Horny Gay Ghost Trade This Halloween
By Brandon Voss
Cyberspace — In his latest video, scarily funny YouTube comedian Michael Henry joins fellow dumpster queens Pete Zias and Michael Lucid to channel some strange from the other side. (More)

Senior Labour Figures Reportedly Embroiled In Row Over Whether Giraffes Are Gay
By vic parsons
Cyberspace — A “Gay giraffe row” has reportedly split senior Labour figures, after Dawn Butler MP defended LGBT+ inclusive education in schools by using the example of Gay giraffes. (More)

David Lynch’s Chillingly Prescient Vision Of Modern America
By Billy J. Stratton
Hollywood — "There’s a sort of evil out there,” says Sheriff Truman in an episode of David Lynch’s iconic TV series, “Twin Peaks.” That line gets to the heart of Lynch’s work, which reflects the dark, ominous, often bizarre underbelly of American culture – one increasingly out of the shadows today. (More)