March 4th, 2016
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Alex CC - New York City

Daddy needs donations...
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — Once or twice a year my income dips below minimums and I need to ask for donations. This month is one of those times. If this site is a useful resource; please consider sending a donation. Even small amounts will help get me through the tight period. (Donation Page)

In the Shadows: Photographer Luke Austin's Intimate Look at Men Undressed
By Luke Austin
Cyberspace — Los Angeles-based photographer Luke Austin will be featuring new work in his collection "Soft Instant" at Jason Vass gallery in Downtown LA. (More)

South Dakota House Fails To Override Transgender Bill Veto
By Staff
Pierre, SD — The South Dakota House failed on Thursday to override the governor's veto of a bill that would have required transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms corresponding with their birth gender, but the bill's main sponsor said supporters should re-group to come back with a "better, stronger bill." (More)

Stunning Photo Series Captures Russian Dancers In The Nude
By Adrian Garcia
Moscow, Russia — Russian dancers Artem Gerasimov, Igor Sharoyko and Alexey Kots have joined forces with Moscow-based photographer Alex Yocu, for his first nude photo series, and the results are absolutely stunning! (More)

Find out why Elton John isn't leaving his �200m fortune to his kids
By Jamie Tabberer
Hollywood — Rocket Man star Elton John won't be leaving his $281m fortune to his children — as he wants them to learn the value of hard work. (More)

Straight Men React to Having Their Hands Caressed By Other Men on an Escalator
By Sean Mandell
France — French pranksters Gr�gory Guillotin and Jonathan Demayo have created a video exposing how straight guys react when they think another man is hitting on them. (More)

n Who Got HIV While On Daily PrEP Shares His Story
By Staff
Cyberspace — For the first time, researchers have documented a case in which an individual taking Truvada daily as a preventative measure from contracting HIV has contracted a multi-drug resistant strain of the virus. (More)

Dream Boy Helps Usher In a New Era for Queer Theater
By Trudy Ring
Los Angeles, CA — The play, about a forbidden love affair in the South, is the latest production for a venerated LGBT stage company that just found a new home. (More)