March 11th, 2016
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Andy - Charlotte, NC

Daddy needs donations...
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — Once or twice a year my income dips below minimums and I need to ask for donations. This month is one of those times. If this site is a useful resource; please consider sending a donation. Even small amounts will help get me through the tight period. (Donation Page)

#Fashtags, Fashion's Love Affair With Social Media
By Julien Sauvalle
Cyberspace — Sorry, grammar nerds, but our ultra-digitalized world has led us to ditch basic language rules. Like it or not, the proliferation of hashtags has revolutionized the way we communicate. (More)

Rather Than Pray Alongside Gay People, Church Canceled Easter
By Staff
Stockton, CA — Instead of allowing LGBTQ people join their ceremony, organizers behind a whole city's Easter celebrations have canceled the event instead. (More)

Pietro Boselli's Hard, Wet Ride in a Speedo
By Sean Mandell
Australia — Pietro Boselli, the world's hottest math teacher/model, just rode his first wave while vacationing in Australia and, true to form, he decided to take his fans along for the journey by posting this post-ride photo of his hard beach body stuffed into a tiny blue speedo. (More)

'Weedman' Says Closing Pot Temple Violates Religious Freedom
By Ben Finley (AP)
Trenton, NJ — After battling the legal system on two coasts and spending time in and out of prison, New Jersey's loudest champion of marijuana went legit last year when he opened up a restaurant across from city hall in this state's capital city. (More)

Italian Footballer Fabio Ceravolo Shows Off
By Staff
Italy — Fabio Ceravolo is a 29-year-old Italian footballer who plays as a striker for Ternana. He's also a major cutie, on and off the field. (More)

This Picture Of Michael B Jordan Is Being Attacked As He Looks 'Gay'
By Joe Morgan
Cyberspace — Michael B Jordan and director Ryan Coogler recently posed for a picture with Vanity Fair to discuss their two collaborations: Creed and Fruitvale Station. (More)

Marriage Equality Brings Obama and Justin Trudeau Together
By Yezmin Villarreal
Washington, DC — "No matter what province or state you live in, you have the freedom to marry the person you love," said President Obama. (More)

The Married Man
By Adam Simply
Cyberspace — I serve as a sort of muse to support a man in coming to terms with a suppressed part of himself so as to romance it to a present reality. From there, he can make sense of it and act accordingly — and responsibly. (More)