March 25th, 2016
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It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy M Pete - New York City

Daddy Thank-you's...
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — My reserves are back up to minimums and I have at this point enough to get me through this and next month. (Donation Page)
A special thank-you to the following:
- Chemguyd
- Smara
- Peter/Williamstown
- Oliver
- Bashful
- DePaul
- Anon/Atlanta

American Eagle Promotes Healthy Male Body Image with New Underwear Line
By Les Fabian Brathwaite
Cyberspace — Male underwear models are nice to look at and everything, but most guys aren't walking around in a continuous state of "photoshoot ready." (More)

Facebook, Apple Not Fans of Transgender Law
By Associated Press
North Carolina — Facebook and Apple have added their voices to the big businesses that are not pleased with a new North Carolina law barring anti-discrimination protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. (More)

Transgender Man Sums Up The Insanity Of North Carolina's New Bill With One Brilliant Tweet
By Staff
North Carolina — North Carolina legislators decided to rein in local governments by approving a bill Wednesday that prevents cities and counties from passing their own anti-discrimination rules. (More)

'Funny or Die' Just Released This Anti-Gay Tourism Commercial
By Sean Mandell
Cyberspace — The commercial is actually from Funny or Die, and uses humor to eviscerate the state of North Carolina for passing the hateful anti-LGBT law HB 2 this week. (More)

Sebastian Stan, AKA Marvel Universe's 'Bucky,' Unleashes Super Assets
By Staff
Hollywood — Fans of the Marvel Universe will be quick to expound on the Gay love story of Captain America and sidekick Bucky Barnes. (More)

To Shave Or Not To Shave? Here's The Science Behind Your Bush
By Nigel Tan
Cyberspace — Do you shave or wax your private areas? How much do you know about your 'bush?' (More)

Australian Rugby Player George Burgess' Selfies Go Viral
By Adrian Garcia
Cyberspace — Australian news outlets are reporting on the latest scandal to hit the gorgeous Australian rugby player George Burgess. (More)