March 29th, 2016
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Coverboy Keenan Smith - Baltimore

Italian Gay Couple Give Beautiful Dance Performance
By Jesse Steinbach
Hollywood — You don't need subtitles to understand the power of this performance. Umberto and Roberto performed on "Italy's Got Talent" in slimming blue jeans and with graceful flexibility. (More)

Study Explains Why So Many Male Tortoises Are Having Sex With One Another
By Tim Murphy
Macedonian Island — Researchers spent seven years observing a mostly male tortoise population on a Macedonian island. They discovered that the tortoises were copulating with not only female tortoises but also one another. (More)

Talking with 'That's Not Us' Producer & Actor Mark Berger
By Robert Nesti
Hollywood — The new improvised indie from director William Sullivan, follows three couples -- one Gay, one Lesbian and one Straight -- on a late summer weekend on Fire Island. (More)

A Legal Analysis of NC's Anti-LGBT Law
By Ari Ezra Waldman
North Carolina — The LGBT community is feeling the effects of a takeover of North Carolina by radical right-wing Republicans. (More)

Hunky Jesus Contest Brings Beloved Sacrilege Back To San Francisco
By Staff
San Francisco, CA — On Easter Sunday, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence ruffled some right-wing feathers for the 37th year in a row with their annual Hunky Jesus contest. (More)

More American Men And Women Are Identifying As Bisexual
By Nigel Tan
Atlanta, GA — The study, which utilized the data collected from the 2011-2013 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), aims to provide 'national estimates of sexual behaviours, sexual attraction, and sexual orientation among women and men aged 18—44 in the United States.' (More)

Georgia Governor Vetoes Antigay "Religious Freedom" Bill
By Yezmin Villarreal
Atlanta, GA — Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal announced a veto today of an antigay "religious freedom" bill that would have allowed nonprofits and even some businesses to discriminate against LGBT customers if serving them conflicted with their religious beliefs. (More)