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Manchester - 1st Review

New Review w/Photo

SK Hall

Cincinnati - 1st Review


Adam Simply

New York City - 77th Review


Nicky Blue Eyes

San Francisco - 17th Review


Alec Andrews

Los Angeles - 38th Review


Steve Stacks

San Francisco - 88th Review


March 28th, 2016

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Pete - Manchester, England

Pete - Manchester, England


Calvin Klein -Gay Propaganda Out.com

Russia Accuses Calvin Klein of 'Gay Propaganda'

By Andre Wheeler

Russia — In 2013, Russia passed an "anti-gay" propaganda law that prohibits promoting "non-traditional" sexual relationships. (More)

Kentucky House passes bill for new Gay/straight marriage license forms

By Bruce Schreiner (AP)

Frankfort, KY — With the blessing of Kentucky's Republican governor, the state House passed a bill to create one marriage license form for Gay and Straight couples in an effort to defuse controversy over gay marriages. (More)

Chinese Man - Fight Fire With Kiss

Chinese Businessman Fights Fire With (Fiery) Kiss

By Victor Hoff

China — There are a lot of do's and don'ts when it comes to running a business in China and navigating an elaborate hodgepodge of local, city and state laws (OK, provincial laws) is no small task; even the most versed of Chinese business people complain about their country's Game-of-Thrones-like complexity. But one Chinese businessman who decided to ignore the law found a way to challenge immediate arrest before absolutely assuring it: a kiss. (More)

Gay Star News

James Franco: 'I'm Gay....up to a point'

By Ashlee Kelly

Hollywood — Hollywood actor James Franco claims he is Gay "up to a point." The 'Milk' actor, who has a fascination with LGBTI culture, shared his thoughts in an discussion with himself in Gay magazine FourTwoNine. (More)

Rogan Richards - Whos In Your Easter Rabbit queerty.com

Hot Guys Impersonate The Easter Bunny

By Staff

Cyberspace — It's Easter, otherwise known as the anniversary the day Peter Cottontail pays a visit to the homes of young children across the country, leaving behind a trail of malted eggs and marshmallow Peeps. (More)

Wrong Number? Trump's TV Telephone Interviews In Spotlight

By David Bauder (AP)

Hollywood — In television news, a telephone interview is typically frowned upon. Donald Trump's fondness for them is changing habits and causing consternation in newsrooms, while challenging political traditions. (More)

Bernie Sanders - Wins Western State Caucauses 365 Gay

Bernie Sanders Decisively Wins Western State Caucuses

By Trudy Ring

Western USA — Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has won the Democratic presidential caucuses in Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington State. (More)