September 13th, 2016
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Coverboy Brad - New York City

ESPN Explores Legacy Of Gay Rugby Player And 9/11 Hero Mark Bingham
By Staff
Hollywood — On Sept. 11, 2001, Mark Bingham sprang into action and saved countless lives by helping to stop United Flight 93 from reaching its target, the U.S. Capitol building. (More)

Gay Paralympian Who Won Silver Medal Now 'Not Ready' For Euthanasia
By Joe Morgan
Rio de Janeiro — She said she may die after Rio, but for now she's 'enjoying every little moment' (More)

RuPaul Wins First Emmy for 'Drag Race'
By Staff
Hollywood — After eight seasons of "RuPaul's Drag Race," host RuPaul finally sashayed away with a much-deserved Emmy win as best reality TV host at the Creative Emmy Awards Sunday night. (More)

Fifteen Years Ago, I Was Working As A Flight Attendant On 9/11
By Waymon Hudson
Cyberspace — I am a former flight attendant. I was in the air on September 11th, working a flight leaving New York City going to Florida. I worked for an airline that has live TV’s in every seat, so we were some of the few people in the air that actually watched the horrors of that day unfold live. (More)

I Think The Catholic Church Is Going To Change Its Position On Gay Marriage
By Andy Towle
Washington, DC — Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine delivered the keynote address at the Human Rights Campaign national dinner in Washington DC over the weekend, and much of his speech focused on his evolution on marriage equality with regard to his Catholic faith. (More)

Warning: You’re About To Become Very Addicted To Sex Robots
By Derek De Koff
Cyberspace — In the future, we’ll all be coming home to exasperatingly sexy robots who will compliantly bend to our every passing fancy. (More)

Sexy New Music Video Offers Beautiful HIV Metaphor
By Savas Abadsidis
Cyberspace — Lyon Hart's new video is all about finding your way out of darkness — from a bad relationship, depression, or a new HIV-diagnosis. (More)