September 29th, 2016
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Coverboy Abel Rey - New York City

‘World’s Hottest Math Teacher’ Pietro Boselli Shows Off His Italian Cakes
By Staff
Cyberspace — Math teacher-turned-supermodel Pietro Boselli has finally revealed his Italian cakes in a new photo shoot. (More)

Tom Ford on Jake Gyllenhaal: 'You Should See What's Down There'
By Staff
Hollywood — Fashion designer and director Tom Ford is a big fan of Jake Gyllenhaal's chest and pubic hair, and really, who isn't?! (More)

Arnold Schwarzenegger: 'My Dad Hit Me Because He Thought I Was Gay'
By Joe Morgan
Hollywood — When he was a child, the future Terminator star was obsessed with bodybuilders and had many posters up on his wall of inspiration for his workouts. But his parents thought the teen was putting up the posters because he was attracted to men. (More)

Seth Meyers Explains How Trump Lost the First Debate Despite His Absurdly Low Expectations
By Sean Mandell
Hollywood — Meyers joked that in order to win, Clinton basically had “to act like a ninja bank robber weaving through a web of red lasers meanwhile Trump just has to be a C+ Walmart greeter.” (More)

Former Glee Star’s New Government Produced Music Video Is Amazing
By Mark S. King
Atlanta, GA — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has produced a music video that joyfully educates gay men about HIV prevention options. And it is foot-stomping fabulous. (More)

Owner of Frontiers, Next Apparently Closing
By Trudy Ring
Cyberspace — Multimedia Platforms, the owner of LGBT publications in New York, Florida, and California, has apparently ceased operations. (More)

John Stamos Shares Steamy Shower Shot With “Scream Queens” Costar Glen Powell
By Tommy Tupence
Hollywood — So, as John Stamos’ Twitter account indicates, there was a sexually arousing shower scene in Tuesday’s episode of Scream Queens. (More)