September 27th, 2016
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Coverboy Danny Cruz - Los Angeles

Lil Wayne Officiated A Same-sex Wedding While In Prison
By Les Fabian Brathwaite
Hollywood — Skateboarder, occasional rapper, and national treasure Lil Wayne reveals in a new memoir that he served some same-sex nuptials while serving time back in 2010. (More)

Anti-Gay Alabama Chief Justice Moore Heads To Court This Week
By Kim Chandler (AP)
Montgomery, AL — Moore faces removal from office again, this time on accusations that he urged 68 probate judges to refuse marriage licenses to same-sex couples. (More)

First Recording Of Computer-generated Music, Created By Alan Turing, Restored And Released
By Joe Morgan
Cyberspace — Many people believe if Alan Turing, the father of computer science, was alive today he would be the Bill Gates of his time. (More)

Investors Join Call For North Carolina To Repeal LGBT Bill
By Martha Waggoner (AP)
North Carolina — About 60 investors representing $2.1 trillion in managed assets are joining the NCAA, entertainers and more than 200 businesses in calling for North Carolina to repeal its law limiting LGBT protections against discrimination. (More)

Virginia Governor Wants Your Gay Dollars In His Pro-Gay State
By Jeff Taylor
Virginia — Gov. Terry McAuliffe would like you to come spend your gay dollars in Virginia, casting it as LGBTQ-friendly, something not all Southeastern states can say with a straight face. (More)

Debate Watch Parties Planned All Over DC
By Mariah Cooper
Washington, DC — The first of the four presidential debates kicks off on Monday, Sept. 26 on NBC hosted by NBC Nightly News Anchor Lester Holt. Weigh in on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump while enjoying a drink or two at local viewing parties. (More)

How Actors Over 40 Are Redefining Movie Fitness
By Umberto Gonzalez
Hollywood — In the past, superhero films often chose the biggest, buffest guy possible to play the hero — think Shaquille O’Neal as “Steel.” Today’s films choose a great actor first — think Robert Downey Jr. as “Iron Man” — and then get him in incredible shape. (More)