September 16th, 2016
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Fernando Nielsen - London

The Return Of The Warwick Rowers, Tight Bums And All
By Victor Hoff
Warwick, England — In what has become something of a highlight in the British calendar season, the Warwick Rowers, the able-bodied men who make up England’s University of Warwick Boat Club, have announced the launch of this year’s Crowdfunder marketing campaign. (More)

Drenched Pool Party to Benefit The Life Group LA
By Staff
Los Angeles, CA — As the summer comes to an end, get "Drenched" one last time at this fun fundraiser pool party to benefit The Life Group LA. The event will be co-hosted by DJ EurOSteve and Stan Smith and held on Saturday, September 17 from 1-6 p.m. (More)

Together 30 Years, Gay Couple Weds In Va Hospital
By Jeff Taylor
Los Angeles, CA — Theirs is a love story for the ages. It began at first sight and has lasted throughout the decades. It has now grown stronger, despite illness and distance. (More)

Sweden Becomes First Country In World To Hit Major Milestone In Fight Against HIV
By David Hudson
Sweden — Ninety per cent of those with HIV in Sweden have been diagnosed and 99.8% of them are on treatment – helping to drive down infection rates (More)

Haikus On Hotties
By Sean Mandell
Cyberspace — The calendar originated last year as ?Haikus with Hotties.? The key difference this year is that the haikus are actually being put on the bodies of Asian-American hotties. (More)

Yes, These Injectables Work Better Than Pills
By Savas Abadsidis
Durban, South Africa — If you're like most people, maintaining a daily regimen of drugs can be burdensome and fraught with mishaps: missing a dose, taking them late, or losing them while traveling. Injections?frequently given monthly?offer the promise of less planning, interruption, and worry. (More)

Fleshy First Look At Russell Tovey?s Gay Football Film ?The Pass?
By Derek De Koff
Hollywood — In Russell Tovey?s new film The Pass, he plays a closeted footballer struggling to come to terms with who he really is, haunted by the night he kissed a teammate. (More)