June 5th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Tom Harding of Westchester

Back To Coding Soon
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — My problems continued through out the weekend and however I've been able to keep up with the resulting mess. Slept most of the weekend and last night was able top sleep though the night with no embarrassing trips to the bathroom. I'm firmly on the B.A.R.T. diet (Banana, Apple, Rice, & Toast) which is helping a lot at the expense of my Glucose levels going up but still in range.
None of which should stop me from working on the News page backend now that the system is working on PHP7. I'll be creating the Index which'll allow me to work with a particular date.My income for the site is down to the lowest level that it's been over the last decade. June wouldn't be as bad as March was however I will need to dip into the reserves for the 3rd time. Once again I'd like to thank you for your generous donations which will be going towards my surviving July. My reserves are at the 66% level and declining. Any help is welcome.
M4M Message Forums and Daddy's Reviews de-Linked
Big Old Hug and a Kiss,

Paul Schrader’s 'First Reformed' Is the Best Movie of 2018 So Far
By Austin Dale
Hollywood — When was the last time you heard someone describe a new American movie as “austere”? That’s the question bandied about the other night between some of my film friends, a few of whom had just seen the new Paul Schrader film First Reformed, now opening into nationwide release. (More)

30-Year-Old Leaves Parents' Home
By Associated Presss
Camilus, NY — The 30-year-old man whose eviction from his parents' suburban home drew national attention finally left Friday, hours before a court-ordered deadline, with financial help from right-wing radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. (More)

Drop Your Load Campaign
By Staff
Cyberspace — A funny new video from New Zealand about two men on a hook-up educates about being HIV undetectable. “We’re unequivocally telling New Zealanders that if someone living with HIV has had an undetectable viral load for more than six months, HIV does not transmit through sex – even if condoms aren’t being used.” (More)

It Was A Great Week For Hanging Out In Your Underwear
By Staff
Cyberspace — To kick things off, @Queerty teamed up with @Netflix and the incredible Alex Strangelove to give away a trip to Brooklyn! (More)

The Braun Identity: Three Generations Of Adult Moviemaking
By Sharan Street
Hollywood — On a spring afternoon in the AVN Media Network office in Chatsworth, director Axel Braun seemed completely at ease. He greeted everyone with breezy charm, confident that those few he hadn’t met before had a pretty good idea of exactly who he is. As would anyone who has been paying attention to the annual AVN Awards Show. (More)

I Fled An Anti-Gay Gang While My Friends Were Tortured And Killed
By Joe Morgan
Iraq — A brave airline worker has told us how he escaped from a paramilitary mob in Iraq while his friends were tortured and killed. (More)

Ian McKellen's Well-Lived Life Gets the Celluloid Treatment
By Daniel Reynolds
Hollywood — At long last, a documentary on the life of Ian McKellen is being released. The 78-year-old actor is best known for his roles as Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings films and Magneto in the X-Men franchise. The doc, McKellen: Playing the Part, covers this chapter, but it also reviews a life full of accomplishments in the worlds of theater and LGBT activism. (More)