June 26th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Link of Seattle

Working for My Writing Task
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — I had a productive weekend in my writing task. I'm up to 5,155 words of the 6,000-8,000 words that I was asked to write. I'm going to spend a few days working the Writing on the chapter that I've been asked to write. 80's section done, moving on to the 90's which is a lot more fun. 3,500 words and growing. I'm working on the 80's section.
My income for the site is down to the lowest level that it's been over the last decade. June wouldn't be as bad as March was however I will need to dip into the reserves for the 3rd time. Once again I'd like to thank you for your generous donations which will be going towards my surviving July. My reserves are at the 54% level and declining. Any help is welcome.

Three Studs Get Ready For the Mamma Mia! Sequel
By Colin Crummy
Hollywood — Get a spray tan. Wear Spandex. Meet Cher. As Gay vacations go, the island escapade shared by Hugh Skinner, Jeremy Irvine, and Josh Dylan last year is difficult to beat. (More)

Keep Your Eyes On The Prize (The 2018 Midterms)…
By David Mixner
Cyberspace — Our very existence as an American democracy is at stake. Everything we value — our environment, feeding the poor, civil rights, voting rights, safety for American workers and economic fairness — is being dismantled by this administration. (More)

Ariana Grande Brags About Fiancé Pete Davidson's Penis
By Staff
Cyberspace — As Ariana Grande prepares to release her new album in August, the pop star is getting a lot of attention - not just for her new singles but for her budding romance with "Saturday Night Live" star Pete Davidson. (More)

HIV+ people will no longer have to declare status on new travel insurance policy
By David Hudson
United Kingdom — An LGBTI-friendly insurance company in the UK has today launched a new travel insurance policy. Anyone with HIV does not need to disclose it as a pre-existing medical condition. This is provided they are on stable anti-viral medication and have an undetectable viral load. (More)

Gay-For-Pay Solo Performer Michael Hoffman Comes Out Of Retirement In Gayest Video Yet
By David Grant
Hollywood — This just in: 25-year-old amateur gay-for-pay solo performer Michael Hoffman has officially come out of retirement. (More)

Super Gonorrhea Could Be %he Next Gay Health Epidemic
By Jasper Sparrow
Cyberspace — As PrEP-use increases rates of condomless sex, the community may face yet another drug-resistant illness. (More)

HIV-Activist Jack Mackenroth Is Taking A Break
By Zachary Zane
Cyberspace — The model and fashion designer came out as HIV-positive in 2008 while a contestant on season four of Project Runway. Since then, his life has been all about activism. (More)