<< Jun 27th, 2018 >>
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Tristan Balwin

Boston - 93rd Review

New Review w/Photo

King Db

Washington D.C. - 1st Review


Alex Ward

Chicago - 15th Review


June 27th, 2018

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Tristan Baldwin of Boston

Tristan Baldwin of Boston


Working on the Database Maintenance

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV — Working on some code to make the Database Maintenance easier to do. I'm going to spend a few days working the Writing on the chapter that I've been asked to write. Working the 90's which is a lot more fun. 5,165 words and growing.

My income for the site is down to the lowest level that it's been over the last decade. June wouldn't be as bad as March was however I will need to dip into the reserves for the 3rd time. Once again I'd like to thank you for your generous donations which will be going towards my surviving July. My reserves are at the 54% level and declining. Any help is welcome.

Carl Sciortin o- AIDS Action

Talking with AIDS Action's Carl Sciortino

By Robert Nesti

Boston, MA — In 1986 some 6000 participants gathered on a Sunday morning in June for an event called "From All Walks of Life." They gathered to raise money for the Boston-based AIDS Action Committee, the then-three year old organization created in response to the AIDS epidemic. (More)


This At-home STI Testing Kit Alleviates Some Of The Stigma Involved With Getting Tested

By Staff

Cyberspace — In a perfect world there would be no stigma surrounding regular trips to a doctor’s office or free clinic for routine checks for sexually-transmitted infections. (More)

Gay Star News Bruno Julliard - Paris Deputy Mayor.jpg

Gay Paris Deputy Mayor Slams Anti-lgbti Vandals

By Stefania Sarrubba

Paris — Vandals defaced a rainbow crosswalk with anti-LGBTI messages in Paris last night, leading to condemnation from the city’s openly gay First Deputy Mayor Bruno Julliard, among others. (More)


The ‘Indoor Boys’ are Back for Season 2 and Their Friendship is as Boundary-Free as Ever

By Andy Towle

Cyberspace — The Gay web series Indoor Boys, starring Wesley Taylor as Luke (SpongeBob SquarePants; NBC’s “SMASH”) and Alex Wyse as Nate (Spring Awakening; Marvel’s “Iron Fist”) is back for Season 2 and has moved from Los Angeles to New York, with the first two episodes taking place in Nate’s “upper middle class” family pad. (More)

Pink News Bobby Berk And Husband - Officiated Weddings

Queer Eye’s Bobby Berk Celebrates Pride By Marrying Three Gay Couples

By Josh Jackman

New York City, NY — The weddings took place during New York City Pride – and they looked absolutely beautiful. (More)

Vatican Gets with the Times, Uses Term ‘LGBT’ in Potential Historic First

By Brittany Ferrendi

Vatican — The Vatican finally figured out an appropriate way to address the LGBT community. In a planning document for upcoming meeting The Synod of Bishops, The Vatican used the term “LGBT” for what may be the first time ever in official documents. (More)

HIV+ Mag Huge Keith - Mural Uncovered

Huge Keith Haring Mural Uncovered

By Savas Abadsidis

Amsterdam — A Keith Haring mural concealed for the last 30 years in Amsterdam has been preserved and revealed for the public to see, spearheaded by graffiti artist Aileen Middel aka Mick la Rock. (More)