<< Jun 15th, 2018 >>
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Tyler Roberts

Dallas - 1st Review

New Review w/Photo

Mariano Magno

Mexico City - 1st Review

New Review w/Photo

Vinny Brancato

Chicago - 1st & 2nd Review


June 15th, 2018

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Tyler Roberts of Dallas

Tyler Roberts of Dallas


Doing Database Maintenance This Weekend

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV — When you fill a database for well over a decade, it gets rather full of debris. It's time to clean house a bit because of the SESTA/FOSTA debacle. I'll be doing that over this weekend, so don't be surprised if glitches occur.

My income for the site is down to the lowest level that it's been over the last decade. June wouldn't be as bad as March was however I will need to dip into the reserves for the 3rd time. Once again I'd like to thank you for your generous donations which will be going towards my surviving July. My reserves are at the 66% level and declining. Any help is welcome.

Big Old Hug and a Kiss,

Out.com Ewan McGregor - The Shining

Ewan Mcgregor Will Star In A Sequel To The Shining

By Rose Dommu

Hollywood — Because there are an endless number of Stephen King adaptations in the works at any given time, it's just been announced the Ewan McGregor will star in a sequel to The Shining, playing a grown-up Danny Torrance — you know, the "redrum" kid. (More)

Gay Activist Released After World Cup Protest

By Associated Press

Moscow — A British LGBT activist who was detained near Red Square in Moscow for protesting against Russia's abuse of homosexual people has been released from jail. (More)

TowelRoad.com Senator Orrin Hatch

Senator Orrin Hatch Delivers Surprising, Passionate 10-Minute Floor Speech About LGBT Youth Suicide

By Andy Towle

Washington, DC — Senator Orrin Hatch delivered a 10-minute floor speech yesterday calling for inclusion for marginalized LGBT youth. (More)


Here’s Tom Daley’s Butt Workout In Super-Slow Motion

By David Grant

Cyberspace — In a month filled to the brim with booty shorts, some folks out there are surely seeking a little extra padding. We aren’t judging. (More)

Ryan O'Callaghan - New York Pride March

Football And Baseball Stars Will Join New York Pride March For The First Time

By Stefania Sarrubba

New York City, NY — A few weeks away from NYC Pride, National Football League (NFL) and Major League Baseball (MLB) have announced their participation in the march. This is the very first time both leagues will publicly join celebrations for equality. (More)

There’s A Secret Pride Feature Hiding In Your Google Spreadsheet

By Alex Bollinger

Cyberspace — Astute users of Google Sheets, a free, web-based spreadsheet program offered by Google Drive, found a Pride Month secret in the program. (More)

365 Gay Kealla Settle - The Greatest Showman

'This Is Me' Is The Year's Surprise Pride Anthem

By Daniel Reynolds

Hollywood — During Sunday's L.A. Pride parade, the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles danced past the cheering crowd to perform a choreographed rendition of "This Is Me." To the spectators present, the joyous moment officially confirmed the song as an anthem of Pride, which will undoubtedly be replayed throughout the month of June. (More)