June 8th, 2018
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Ldemilo of Amsterda

We Have Liftoff
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — The News backend screen is starting to take shape. The index side is just about ready; The detail screens are next on the list.
My income for the site is down to the lowest level that it's been over the last decade. June wouldn't be as bad as March was however I will need to dip into the reserves for the 3rd time. Once again I'd like to thank you for your generous donations which will be going towards my surviving July. My reserves are at the 66% level and declining. Any help is welcome.
M4M Message Forums and Daddy's Reviews de-Linked
Big Old Hug and a Kiss,

Writer-Director Craig Johnson On His Gay Teen Netflix Comedy Alex Strangelove
By Austin Dale
Hollywood — Craig Johnson’s fourth feature Alex Strangelove debuts this week on Netflix. Led by a cast of newcomers, Alex Strangelove is about one of several coming out narratives hitting screens this year, but it distinguishes itself primarily as a teen sex comedy, with as much heart as it has below-the-belt laughs.\\ (More)

Conrad Hilton Sentenced In Grand Theft Auto Case In Which He Launched Homophobic Tirade
By Staff
Los Angeles, CA — Last year, Conrad Hilton, younger brother of Paris Hilton and heir to the family fortune, exploded at police officers in a homophobic rant as he was arrested over the weekend at EG. (More)

Adam Lambert: Being Gay Is 'Less Taboo' Now
By Associated Press
London — American pop star Adam Lambert discusses homophobia, LGBTQ acceptance, and his own experiences as a Gay man, while speaking at the Mosaic LGBT Youth Centre in London. (More)

Gay Democrat Kisses Husband In Ad During Trump's Fave Fox News Show
By Joe Morgan
Hollywood — Meet Rich Madaleno, a Gay Democrat who is doing his best to piss off President Donald Trump. Running for Governor of Maryland, he is doing his best to stop the damage Trump and the Republicans are doing. He also closes the political ad by kissing his husband. (More)

Treat Yourself To A Spicy Sneak Peek Of The Red Hot Boys’ 2019 Calendar
By David Grant
Cyberspace — We’re barely halfway into 2018 and the Red Hot calendar boys are already planning for 2019. (More)

Masterpiece: A Battle Lost, But A Concession Won
By Lisa Keen
Washington, DC — While Lambda Legal Chief Executive Officer Rachel Tiven said the ruling offers “dangerous encouragement to those who would deny civil rights to LGBT people and people living with HIV, ” the ACLU said the majority opinion “reaffirmed the core principle that businesses open to the public must be open to all.” (More)

Ricardo Lara Could Be California's First Out Statewide Official
By Trudy Ring
Sacrament, CA — California could elect its first openly gay statewide official this fall in Ricardo Lara, who was one of the top two finishers for insurance commissioner in the state’s primary Tuesday. (More)