April 16th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Eating Our Dog food
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — Microsoft had an expression: "Easting Our Dog food" which means that you have to use the product that you're coding. It was poignant for our group because we were writing the kernel debugger for Windows NT and we had to use the Kernel debugger to debug the Kernel debugger.
I'm to the point where I've coded the final screens for the new production backend so it's time to eat dog good. The first day was not much of a success; I generated six "must-fix" bugs to be able to switch over to the new production. Fixing these bugs is important because that's the code that'll produce the first screens in the next version of the site.
There has been a lull in reviews, so I'm going to spend the week working on testing/fixing the new backend.
So if you have a review to submit, this is the week! I especially welcome venue reviews. You know: Resorts, Bars, Restaurants; anyplace an older gentleman can take a younger gentleman and feel welcome and comfortable. Yes, Yes, Yes I know the current submit form doesn't handle that very well which is one of the reasons I need these types of reviews so that I can design the new submit pages.
In the spirit of "Eating our dog food," I'll probably be submitting reviews on some of the fun places in Las Vegas. It'll be interesting because one of those fun places is a small version of The Castro in San Francisco that has not one, not two, but five different venues of interest to visitors.
We're in the process of rebuilding our reserves. If this site has been of use to you, please consider helping so we can continue the work that has become a labor of love. I don't work well in social settings however I do work well working with computers and it's very satisfying to be able to help others in this minor way. Here's the link to the How to Donate Page
The bottom line is that publishing this week will be haphazard because I'll be nose deep fixing bugs in the new production backend.
Thanks to your donations about 2/3rds of the April bills are covered, I'm also putting donations towards the reserves. My reserves are on the rise and currently at the 11% level. Any help is appreciated.

Lachlan Watson on Their Sabrina Character’s TV Transition
By Rose Dommu
Hollywood — Chilling Adventures of Sabrina returned last Friday with nine episodes of satanic supernatural shenanigans featuring everyone’s favorite teenage witch. But in the latest installment of Netflix’s buzziest show, the most compelling character arc wasn’t the spell-casting lead, it was her mortal best friend Theo, played by queer actor Lachlan Watson. (More)

How U.S. Tax Laws Discriminate Against Women, Gays and People of Color
By Anthony C. Infanti (AP)
United States — What and how a country chooses to tax says a lot about its values. A core value built into the DNA of America, for example, is equality. (More)

Is Simon Cowell's New £15 Million Mansion Haunted By A Gay Ghost?
By Joe Morgan
London, England — Simon Cowell is haunted by a gay ghost, according to the former owner of the TV star’s new £15 million mansion. (More)

Wedding Video of the Day: Marc Jacobs and Char Defrancesco
By Staff
New York City, NY — Fashion designer Marc Jacobs, who proposed to his boyfriend, candlemaker Char Defrancesco, last year at a Chipotle restaurant after a flash mob did a choreographed dance to Prince’s “Kiss”, married last Saturday in front of a high fashion celeb crowd that included Anna Wintour, Frank Ocean, Bette Midler, Kate Moss, Debbie Harry, Rachel Zoe, and many more. Following a private ceremony, the couple held a reception at The Grill in NYC. (More)

Check In To Ace Hotel Seattle And Check Out Cute Guest Randy
By Dan Renzi
Seattle, WA — For our “hotel of the week” feature, we chatted with Wanderlust reader Randy Kaufman, after he took a trip to lovely Seattle. (More)

Buttigieg Makes It Official: ‘We Are Not Going Back’
By Lisa Keen
South Bend, IN — For a guy who acknowledges that 20 years ago he would gladly have taken a pill to turn himself from gay to straight, Pete Buttigieg showed an extraordinary level of confidence and comfort Sunday as he announced his formal campaign bid to become president of the United States. (More)

Feast Your Eyes On Bootyful Fitness Model Dmytro Paladii
By Staff
Cyberspace — Dmytro Paladii is setting Instagram ablaze with his thirst-inducing nude posts! Check out the New York-based artist, professional ballroom dancer, and Aspiring fitness model’s bootyful snaps. (More)