April 29th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Vlad Volkov of Philadelphia

Starting On The Next Task
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — Over the weekend I was able to hook up the last of the controls. It would appear that I was under the influence of the flu because I slept all day on Saturday. Starting on the formatter which'll take the information I entered and turn it into the "Newest" page. Two items on the bug list but neither are show stoppers.
We're still in the process of rebuilding the reserves. If this site has been of use to you, please consider helping so we can continue the work that has become a labor of love. How to Donate Page
Thanks to your donations the April bills are covered, For the rest of the month, donations will be added into the reserves. My reserves are on the rise and currently at the 11% level. Any help is appreciated.

Avengers: Endgame Features Marvel’s First Gay Character
By Rose Dummo
Hollywood — According to fan fiction, most of the the Avengers are getting their cheeks clapped on the regular. But in “reality,” no Marvel film has yet featured an actual queer character...until Avengers: Endgame. And no, it’s not Captain America finally telling the Winter Soldier how he can put that metal arm to use. (More)

Be Wary of Robot Emotions; 'Simulated Love is Never Love'
By Rachel Lerman (AP)
Cyberspace — When a robot "dies," does it make you sad? For lots of people, the answer is "yes" — and that tells us something important, and potentially worrisome, about our emotional responses to the social machines that are starting to move into our lives. (More)

Pete Buttigieg’s ASL Response to a Deaf Supporter is Going Viral
By Staff
Cyberspace — Pete Buttigieg took the time this week to respond in ASL to a Deaf supporter on Twitter who had created a sign name for Pete Buttigieg. (More)

Model and LGBTI Rights Advocate Dies After Collapsing On The Catwalk
By Stefgania Sarrubba
Sao Paulo, Brazil — Tales Soares was walking a show during Sao Paulo's Fashion Week when he suddenly collapsed in front of a horrified crowd. (More)

Henry Cavill’s ‘Witcher’ Workout Has Us Totally Bewitched
By Dan Clarendon
Hollywood — He gave us lumbersexual vibes in Man of Steel. He impressed us with his arm-reload in Mission: Impossible – Fallout. Now Henry Cavill is getting even buffer for his role in Netflix’s upcoming series The Witcher. And we’ve been drooling over his Instagram uploads. Those muscles! Those veins! And yes, those scars! (More)

KFC’s New Colonel Sanders Strippers Look Finger Lickin’ Good
By Bradon Voss
Hollywood — Juicy thighs and hot biscuits, anyone? Selling sex and sides, shirtless muscle hunks channel KFC founder Colonel Sanders in a mouthwatering new ad for the fried chicken chain. (More)

15 Gorgeous Examples of Male Erotica from Physique Pictorial #48
By Richard Dubois
Cyberspace — The little magazine that was once secreted away in the back of dad’s underwear drawer, or in a stowed away lock box in the garage is now, 70 years later, the subject of documentaries, lavish coffee table books, and college curricula. That is due to Bob Mizer’s passionate vision and struggles with censorship as well as the tireless work that Dennis Bell and the staff put into the revived Physique Pictorial. (More)