April 23rd, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

The New Backend Is Starting To Work!
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — All the fields are in and I'm starting to run the two backends in parallel. Still need to hook up come controls and write the formatter that'll created the pages straight from the database.
We're still in the process of rebuilding the reserves. If this site has been of use to you, please consider helping so we can continue the work that has become a labor of love. How to Donate Page
Thanks to your donations the April bills are covered, For the rest of the month donations will be added into the reserves. My reserves are on the rise and currently at the 11% level. Any help is appreciated.

Lena Waithe Honored with Trailblazer Award by NYC LGBT Center
By Rose Dommu
New York City, NY — New York City’s LGBT Community Center hosted its annual Center Dinner in New York City Thursday night, raising more than $2.2 million dollars for its various programs and services enriching the lives of New York’s queer community. (More)

Michigan Adoption Agency Flips LGBT Policy After Settlement
By Associated Press
Michigan — A major faith-based foster care and adoption contractor for the state of Michigan is reversing its policy and will place children with same-sex couples to comply with a legal settlement. (More)

A Major Young Character on NBC’s ‘Good Girls’ Just Came Out as Trans and Mom’s Reaction Was Perfect
By Andy Towle
TVLand — NBC’s dramedy Good Girls has been carefully unspooling the gender identity of 11-year-old Sadie (played by Isaiah Stannard, an out trans boy), the 11-year-old child of Mae Whitman’s character Annie, and last night’s episode was a big one. (More)

Chelsea Manning Denied Bail, Remains In Jail For Refusing To Testify
By Anya Crittenton
Alexandria, VI — A federal judge on Monday (22 April) denied a request from Chelsea Manning to be released from jail on bail. The judge further upheld a lower court’s decision to hold Manning in civil contempt for refusing to testify in an investigation about WikiLeaks. (More)

This Guy Hopes To Become First Out Gay Man In U.s. Senate
By David Reddish
Colorado — Following the rainbow wave of out-queer politicians winning and running for higher office, out-gay former diplomat Dan Baer has announced his run for Senate in his home state of Colorado. (More)

Supreme Court to Decide Whether Federal Law Protects LGBTQ Workers
By Jeff Tayler
Washington, DC — The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to rule on whether federal civil rights law protecting against discrimination in the workplace based on sex covers the LGBTQ community. (More)

95 Photos of Dazzling Cosplay by Eli Borges Will Win You Over
By Cubster Cosplay
Cyberspace — You know how when you get the perfect costume together and you know people will fall out when they see how great you look? Then you check it out in the bathroom mirror and you're kind of, huh. Eli Borges takes photos that show you how beautiful and amazing you really are, because he's a talented and generous dude. (More)