<< Apr 17th, 2019 >>
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Parker Allen

Chicago - 23rd Review


Dave #3

New York City - 3rd Review


April 17th, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Parker Allen of Chicago

Parker Allen of Chicago


Choking On The Dog food

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV — It going so good! I had entered all the news for the day in the backend and it was time to add the photos for some of the teasers.

Except for one small detail... There was no field for entering the address for those photos! Immediate choke on my dog food. I have to go all the way back to the database and add the field and then patiently work my way up adding the field to the code. Several of you will understand the frustration. [Sigh!]

Priming the pump for reviews! I especially welcome venue reviews. You know: Resorts, Bars, Restaurants; anyplace an older gentleman can take a younger gentleman and feel welcome and comfortable. Yes! Yes! Yes! I know the current submit form doesn't handle venues very well which is one of the reasons I need these types of reviews so that I can design the new submit pages.

We're still in the process of rebuilding the reserves. If this site has been of use to you, please consider helping so we can continue the work that has become a labor of love. How to Donate Page

The bottom line is that publishing this week will be haphazard because I'll be nose deep fixing bugs in the new production backend.

Thanks to your donations about 2/3rds of the April bills are covered, I'm also putting donations towards the reserves. My reserves are on the rise and currently at the 11% level. Any help is appreciated.

Out.com Coachella Ferris Wheel BJ

The Internet Is Obsessed With This Coachella Ferris Wheel Blowjob

By Mathrew Rodriguez

Palm Springs, CA — A video showing someone giving a blowjob on Coachella’s ferris wheel shows that, like the ferris wheel itself, some festival attendees were excited to go up and down and back again. (More)

What was Lost, What was Saved from the Notre Dame Fire?

By Associated Press

Paris, France — More than simply an iconic cathedral and jewel of Gothic architecture, Notre Dame was a treasure trove, housing priceless and irreplaceable marvels of immense religious, artistic, musical, historical and architectural value. (More)

TowelRoad.com Andrew Garfield - LGBTQ Roles

Andrew Garfield on LGBTQ Roles Going to Straight Actors

By Staff

Hollywood — During an interview about his new film Under the Silver Lake, actor Andrew Garfield told the UK’s Independent that he gets why people are upset that many LGBTQ roles go to straight actors but agrees with Angels in America playwright Tony Kushner on the issue: “I understand the complaint. I think Tony Kushner put it best. (More)

Gay Star News

Homophobic sOngs And Smuggled Flare Mars Football Match For 'Peace'

By Joe Morgan

Liverpool, England — Homophobic songs and a smuggled flare marred an important UK football match. (More)

queerty.com Tom Allen - Perffect Response

Gay Comedian Tom Allen Had The Perfect Response To A Facebook Troll

By David Reddish

Cyberspace — 35-year-old British comic Tom Allen has slammed his online critics who say he talks about being gay too much. (More)

Aaron Schock Partied With A Bunch Of Shirtless Hunks At Coachella

By Staff

Palm Springs, CA — Aaron Schock is back—and living it up in the desert! While he was in Congress, inquiring minds wondered if Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) was gay: He favored flamboyant outfits, worked on his fitness relentlessly, and was spotted at the West Hollywood Halloween parade and outside a gay bathhouse in Tampa. (More)

HIV+ Mag Nothing But A Number

The Oldest Person Living With HIV Turns 100

By Ashley Scheibelhut

Portugal — Celebrating a 100th birthday is a huge milestone for anyone. But when Miguel, also known as “the Lisbon Patient,” celebrated his centennial this spring it was also a milestone for the global poz community. That’s because he is the oldest documented person living with HIV in the world. (More)