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Aiden Ward

Pittsburgh - 2nd Review


Rich Reynolds

Tampa - 7th Review


November 6th, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Aiden Ward of Pittsburgh

Aiden Ward of Pittsburgh


Daddy Logo

Next Step!

By Daddy

Las Vegas — I finished up the Reviewer screen and did some work on the Treeview navigation. The example 'user mode' is starting to take shape and working out some kinks.

I'm looking forward to taking Veterans day and my birthday off next week. Haven't decided where I'll be going for my birthday dinner. That ribeye streak is sounding better and better.

The whole chicken is out on the counter getting ready to be cooked today. I'm taking notes for "All Chicken - All Week." so that I can write it up as a how-to. Also thinking about doing a how-to for "All Pork - All Week" towards the end of the month when the spiral cut hams go on discount. I haven't had ham salad in decades!

We're working on November and have a good start. However any help is appreciated to build the backup appliance. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo Hockey Star Janne Puhakka Comes Out As Gay: ‘We Must Speak Up’

Hockey Star Janne Puhakka Comes Out As Gay: ‘We Must Speak Up’

By Nico Lang

Europe — Janne Puhakka — who was born in Epsoo, Finland and began competing professionally at the age of 16 — played for France’s Rapaces de Gap until 2018, when he retired from hockey at just 23 years old. Athletes in the league commonly play into their late 30s, while National Hockey League (NHL) star Gordie Howe retired at the age of 52. (More)

Edge Logo

Elections In 4 States Offer Tests Of 2020 Voter Enthusiasm

By Bill Barrow (AP)

United States — Gubernatorial and legislative elections in four states Tuesday will test voter enthusiasm and party organization amid impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump and a fevered Democratic presidential primary scramble. (More)

TowleRoad Logo Chris Evans And His Gay Bro Scott Find Out How Well They Know Each Other

Chris Evans And His Gay Bro Scott Find Out How Well They Know Each Other

By Staff

Hollywood — Brothers Chris and Scott Evans sat down with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show to play a game of “Know Your Bro” in which they were tested on how well they know each other. (More)

KeenNews Logo

HHS Reverses ‘critical Protections’ In Health Care

By Lisa Keen

Washington D.C. — The Department of Health and Human Services’ press release announcing a change in the administration of its grants had an innocuous-sounding title, one that said its purpose was to ensure that HHS regulations do not “impose specific public policy requirements beyond U.S. statutory requirements.” (More)

Advocate Logo George Takei Says Star Trek Never Had A Gay Character For A Reason

George Takei Says Star Trek Never Had A Gay Character For A Reason

By Kat Jercich

Hollywood — In an interview with PBS NewsHour, actor and activist George Takei said he asked Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry why the show never featured a gay character. Roddenberry, who died in 1991, told Takei, “You’re right, I’d like to do that, but I’m walking a tightrope.” (More)

AVN Logo

Dollar Shave Club, Heinz Foods, Taking Heat For Ads On PornHub

By Michael French

Cyberspace — Earlier, the prepackaged foodmaking giant Kraft Heinz took out an ad that commandeered PornHub’s landing page for a day in January, with a campaign centered around the theme of “food porn.” At the time, the company seemed to support their porn site ad buy, calling it in a press release an “unconventional and provocative advertising campaign.” (More)

Logo Logo Winning Design Unveiled For Orlando’s National Pulse Memorial & Museum

Winning Design Unveiled For Orlando’s National Pulse Memorial & Museum

By Brandon Voss

Orlando — The onePULSE Foundation has announced the design team—Coldefy & Associés with RDAI, Orlando-based HHCP Architects, Xavier Veilhan, dUCKS scéno, Agence TER, and Prof. Laila Farah—selected to design the National Pulse Memorial & Museum, honoring victims of the Pulse nightclub tragedy. (More)