November 25th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Adam of Saint Louis

Two Decks Of Playing Cards
By Daddy
Las Vegas — The new computer for performing the backups has arrived and is ensconced beneath the Television set. The size of two decks stacked, I've loaded the operating system and did the security hardening that's so necessary in current internet. I'll be installing the Backup software towards the end of the week after it's burn-in is complete.
The November rent and the computer hosting fees are barely covered. Thanksgiving will be a bit restrained as a result. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Jason Derulo Says He Has An 'Anaconda' In His Underwear
By Serena Sonoma
Cyberspace — Jason Derulo wants you to know he has a pet anaconda that lives in his pants. On Thursday, the singer uploaded a photo of himself wearing a pair of black trunks — and we love to see it. (More)

What's Next In Impeachment: A Busy December, And On To 2020
By Mary Clare Jalonick (AP)
Washington D.C. — After two weeks of public hearings, Democrats could soon turn the impeachment process over to the House Judiciary Committee. They're moving "expeditiously" ahead as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has instructed. (More)

Conservative Group Says Underwear Brand’s Gay Ad Has ‘Contaminated’ Christmas
By Andy Towle
Australia — The conservative group Family Voice Australia is blowing a gasket over a holiday ad from the Bonds underwear brand it says has “contaminated” Christmas. The ad features a gay couple kissing. The group is demanding that Bonds apologize and withdraw the ad immediately. (More)

It’s Time To Celebrate The Film Geniuses That Brought Us Daniel Craig’s Penis
By Lawrence Ferber
Hollywood — Strand Releasing—the gayest, ballsiest film distributor that ever was—is turning 30. Where would we be without it? (More)

Holiday Gift Guide 2019: Do Good And Show Pride
By Staff
Cyberspace — Treetopia’s Color Burst Rainbow Christmas Tree is sure to let your friends (and Instagram) know how queer your holidays are going to be. Plus, kids love it, no live tree has to die, and you can keep it up year-round. (More)

The FTC's War Against Dating Sites Returns
By Corey Silverstein
Washington D.C. — Everyone enjoys being proven right, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that a person enjoys the point that he or she is right about. For years, I have spoken at tradeshows across the world and shouted as loud as I could that as financially rewarding dating websites are to their operators, dating websites also present substantial legal risks including both civil lawsuits and regulatory action (More)

Star Wars Actor Oscar Isaac Teases ‘potential’ Of Finn/Poe Romance: ‘These Guys Love Each Other’
By Nick Duffy
Hollywood — Star Wars actor Oscar Isaac is single-handedly keeping the Finn/Poe ‘Stormpilot’ ship afloat, revealing his hopes for a romance. (More)