November 22nd, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Tyler Castle of Reno

Support And Defend
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Foreign Service Officers swear to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States..." private citizens do not. Having a private citizen operating in violation of the constitution is questionable, likewise attacking witnesses as they are testifying is a questionable practice. Blocking congressional summons, denying key evidence both constitute obstruction of justice.
The question is: has the testimony and the actions of the White house been enough to sway 20 members of the Senate? If so, we will have a landmark event; The first time that a U.S. president has been successfully removed from office.
This weekend I have only one goal; Implement that one button that flips between the admin screen and the user screen. As the proverb says: "Sometimes you have to shoot the programmers and ship the code!" I'll use two different screens if I don't get it solved.
I've paid the bills for November with only the rent remaining. The new computer should be arriving tomorrow and I'll be spending the weekend to hopefully get the backup processes back on the air. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Kim Kardashian’s Makeup Artist Comes Out In Moving Speech
By Rose Dommu
Hollywood — At the American Influencer Awards, Kim Kardashian West’s longtime makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic — best known as @makeupbymario — came out as gay in a moving speech. (More)

Llen Surprises Lesbian Fiancées After Parents Say They're Skipping Wedding
By Sam Cronin
Hollywood — Same-sex couple Kate Austin and Sarah Sulsenti were heartbroken when they learned that their parents would skip their wedding, disapproving of their sexuality. But, the two received a major surprise from Ellen DeGeneres after tweeting at her and Chrissy Teigen about their situation. (More)

Representative Jim Jordan Is Being Challenged For His Seat In Congress By An Ex-GOP Farmer
By Andy Towle
Memphis — Chris Gibbs, an Ohio farmer and former Trump voter who left the Republican party, is exploring a congressional bid to challenge Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). (More)

Democratic Debate Ignores Transgender Day Of Remembrance
By Staff
Atlanta — Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debate, like its predecessors, saw little mention of LGBTQ issues — and even though it took place on Transgender Day of Remembrance, no mention of the epidemic of violence against trans people. (More)

Greg Walters & Cameron Joseph
By Staff
Washington D.C. — Gordon Sondland was billed as the most dangerous witness against President Trump this week: And he did not disappoint. (More)

Next Door Taboo Site Launches From Next Door Studios
By Staff
San Francisco — “I’m really excited about Next Door Taboo,” said Next Door Studios President Stephan Sirard. “The idea is socially forbidden relationships and scenarios where sex between two consenting adults is generally frowned upon … you know, the good stuff!” (More)

Gay Acrobats Perform Beautiful And Tender Dance
By Staff
France — Guillaume and Arthur performed an incredibly moving dance routine on La France a un incroyable talent (France Has Got Incredible Talent.) French audiences were blown away by a TV talent show performance by Guillaume and Arthur, two gay acrobats with a message against homophobia. (More)
Daddy Sez: Guillaume and Arthur Dance