December 2nd, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Roman Giovanni of Atlanta

Day After Thanksgiving
By Daddy
Las Vegas — It's the day after Thanksgiving and I'm writing this a day early. Remember when the day after Thanksgiving was when the Christmas decorations began to appear? This year stores started before Halloween; somehow they've reached ridiculous levels of blatant consumerism. It appears that the consumers are starting to vote with their pocketbook and Black Friday is quickly becoming Blasé Friday. "All commercials, all the time" simply makes it easier to put them in the category "To Be Ignored."
Black Bear Diner did not disappoint with their ham dinner. The backup appliance is performing well, I've updated all of the computers and made progress on the Navigation widget. Sorted the laundry and I've put up my double spiral tree of lights up to improve the festivity in my complex.
My foot is doing much better and I slept all night for the first time in a long while. I've restarted my exercises to rebuild lower body strength with immediate improvement. I hoping that foot will be declared healed before the end of the years however it's going to be a close race.
I have just enough to cover the November rent and the computer hosting fee. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

'Star Wars' Billy Dee Williams Comes Out As Gender Fluid
By Serena Sonoma
Hollywood — Billy Dee Williams is perhaps best known for his role as Lando Calrissian in the 1980’s Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, but at 82-years-old, Williams wants you to know he’s breaking the gender binary. (More)

Holiday Travelers Warned To Be Aware Of Powerful Storm
By Associated Press
United States — A powerful storm making its way east from California is expected to bring intensifying snow and ice to the Midwest during the year's busiest travel weekend. (More)

Why This Gay Man Took His Discrimination Case To The Supreme Court
By Trudy Ring
Washington D.C. — Gerald Bostock, a gay man whose discrimination case was heard by the Supreme Court in October, shares his story in a new video released by the Human Rights Campaign. (More)

Category Is: The Crown Season One On ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race U.K.’
By Bobby Hankinson
BBC — OK! That was satisfying! In a way, RuPaul’s Drag Race U.K.‘s greatest strength is also its weakness. The pleasantly short season breezed through with nary a historic gag nor an iconic dramatic blowup. Like the episodes preceding it, last night’s finale was neither over- nor underwhelming. It was perfectly whelming. (More)

You Need To See Black, Gay Poet Dean Atta Perform This Moving Coming Out Poem
By Scarlet Pestell & Amy Ashenden
Cyberspace — It’s a way of celebrating Atta’s black and queer identities – and spreading words of queer encouragement and advice on how to come out. (More)

Australia’s Northern Territory Passes Sex Work Decriminalization
By Michael French
Australia — Two weeks after the legislature in Australia’s state of South Australia voted down a bill that would have decriminalized sex work there, the country’s Northern Territory has moved in the opposite direction. (More)

Ari Gold Is Kicking Leukemia’s Ass With His New Bedside Podcast
By Lawrence Ferber
Hollywood — Cancer has not halted Ari Gold’s creative output. The pop singer-songwriter, who’s been out since he released his self-titled 2001 debut album (you’re welcome, Troye Sivan!), has been battling the disease for more than seven years. (More)