December 23rd, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Axxxel of New York City

Making Do...
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Don't have enough to put up a normal Christmas tree so I've revived the small tree that has been sitting in the corner of the living room for the last several years. The lights had burnt out, so it received a LED lights facelift that runs on a battery pack and can flip between either white or multicolor. "Micheals Crafts" has their miniature ornaments at 70% off making it easy to trim the tree. It'll probably be the coverboy for the 25th.
I haven't decided if I can afford my usual Holiday shutdown. I know that I'm taking Christmas day off which means no reviews on Thursday and have a ham in the refrigerator to cook a scrumptious meal. Thank you to the kind person that gifted it to me. I may also take Friday off to make it a long weekend. Will be playing it by ear for the rest of the year.
I had freed up a 2 terabyte USB drive which is now hanging off of the Backup appliance that I put together and I'm monitoring it closely. Sitting at a rock solid 39°celsius (anything less that 50° is good.) BobbyB has backed up 73 gigabytes of data so far. Transferring the data from the 1 terabyte drive gave both drives a good workout so we know that they're solid. Not bad for a $100 computer! I plan to write up the process say that other people will know how to do it.
The "Pluto channel" is free this week so binge watching RuPaul which I have the chance.
We're at the 60% level, barely enough to pay the rent but not the computer hosting. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Chris Hemsworth Doesn’t Know What A Thirst Trap Is
By Mikelle Street
Hollywood — Well it seems as if Hemsworth himself hasn’t ever had time to look up the slang term — you know, he’s been too busy summoning lightning bolts as Thor and throwing around massive tires as himself. So when a reporter from Refinery29 asked him about thirst traps, the actor was confused. (More)

Trump's Plan To Import Cheaper Drugs From Canada Faces Hurdles
By Phil Galewitz
Washington D.C. — In a historic shift, the federal government Wednesday proposed allowing states to import drugs from Canada. Officials said they believe it can be done safely and save significant money for Americans. (More)

Utah Boy Has Message For Teacher Who Insulted His Two Dads
By Brandon Voss
Utah — A Utah student is speaking out publicly for the first time since a substitute teacher bullied him in front of his fifth-grade classmates Opens in New Window for having two dads. The incident occurred last month at Deerfield Elementary School in Cedar Hills. Shortly before Thanksgiving, the unidentified substitute asked the students what they were thankful for this year. (More)

Napa ‘Wine Cave’ Owners Fact Check Elizabeth Warren, Defend Buttigieg Fundraiser
By Staff
California (North) — Hall and his wife Kathryn told the news outlet that they don’t have $900 bottles of wine as Warren had alleged and they didn’t even serve their most expensive bottle, which comes in at $350. Additionally, they said “wine caves” are not uncommon in Napa because they store wine at cool temperatures. (More)

Gay TV Producer Richie Jackson Pens A Memoir For His Gay Son
By David Artavia
New York City — Picture it: New York City, 1983. It was the dawn of the HIV epidemic in America, when love and loss were practically synonymous for those in the queer community. As the plague raged, killing tens of thousands of gay men in a matter of years, our government did virtually nothing to stop it. It was a time of lawlessness, a time of integration, and a time to revolt. (More)

Buttigieg Under Attack During Democratic Debate
By Lisa Keen
Los Angeles — Openly gay Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg was under fierce attack Thursday night in the sixth Democratic debate and, by the end of the evening, there was some data suggesting he had suffered some injury to his effort to convince voters he is a candidate who listens to the little guy and is electable. And the three-hour event in Los Angeles brought more reference to LGBT issues than the previous five debates. (More)

Gay Porn Pioneer William Higgins Passes Away
By Dan Miller
Amsterdam — William Higgins, the GayVN Hall of Fame director regarded as one of the fathers of gay porn, has passed away in Amsterdam. Higgins died of a heart attack on Saturday at the age of 77, Kohler reported. (More)