December 19th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy JC of Los Angeles

Dog Fighting
By Daddy
Las Vegas — "Dog fighting is a type of blood sport generally defined as two or more game dogs against one another in a ring or a pit for the entertainment of the spectators or the gratification of the dogfighters, who are sometimes referred to as dogmen." It's illegal in most parts of the United States but it seem not in Washington, DC. Watching the house debates seems to be a endless dog fight that consists mostly of minute or two sound bites attacking each other.
This month is being a "if it rains, it pours", I have yet another critical bill however it's not due for a until early in January. we're down about the 27% level, don't have enough to cover rent. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Navy Begins Construction On Ship Named After Harvey Milk
By Nico Lang
San Diego — On Friday, the Navy began construction on a ship — a fleet oiler — named for the slain civil rights leader. Milk, who served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, was one of the first out LGBTQ+ elected officials in the country and a vocal advocate for queer people coming out and living their lives openly. He was assassinated at City Hall in November 1978, just 48 at the time of his death. (More)

Boston Gay Men's Chorus Presents 'A Super Gay Christmas'
By Staff
Boston — Oh, come all ye gayful! Boston Gay Men's Chorus (BGMC) is about to unload their fabulous fairydust all over your holidays. The title of their seasonal show, "A Super Gay Christmas," isn't ironic, it's purely descriptive. (More)

Cute Kid Navigates Human Obstacle Course In Viral Video
By Staff
Cyberspace — We’re not sure what kind of queer hypnotic spell this TikTok video is intending to cast, but we sure are glad the kid made it down the stairs without being knocked unconscious. (More)

FSC Issues 'Gonorrhea Advisory' To Industry Talent
By JC Adams
Los Angeles — The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) issued an industry-wide "gonorrhea advisory" to industry talent this morning. FSC PASS clearance greatly reduces the risk of potential exposure to STIs — there has not been a single incident of HIV transmission on an FSC PASS-regulated set — but like all sexual health prevention measures it does not entirely eliminate risk. Gonorrhea is highly infectious, and you can transmit the infection almost immediately after acquiring it — even if you have no symptoms. (More)

Meow! The “Cats” Editors Had To “CGI Out” Jason Derulo’s Huge Bulge
By Sam Manzella
Hollywood — For many performers, it’s easy to succumb to how the world defines us, but this year welcomed a rainbow of breakout virtuosos who surf the lines of gender, sexuality, and all things that make us human. Keiynan Lonsdale leads that new wave of multitalented LGBTQ artists. (More)

After Love, Simon, Keiynan Lonsdale Is Shedding All His Skins
By David Artavia
Australia — For many performers, it’s easy to succumb to how the world defines us, but this year welcomed a rainbow of breakout virtuosos who surf the lines of gender, sexuality, and all things that make us human. Keiynan Lonsdale leads that new wave of multitalented LGBTQ artists. (More)

Sanders, Warren Back Bill That Could Lead To FOSTA/SESTA Repeal
By Michael French
Washington D.C. — On Tuesday, which is also International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers, the bill signed up backing from two top-tier Democratic presidential candidates—both of whom voted in favor of FOSTA/SESTA last year. (More)