May 7th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Buddy The Beagle

It Was Good Idea to Sleep During the Day
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Spending most of the day in bed worked for me. The temperature is 100° outside and the only saving grace it's partly cloudy so we get dips every now and then. The air conditioner is blowing hot air so the temperature inside made it to 87° before I turned it off. I don't mind 80° but it was getting to be a bit much.
Still working on that last cube of receipts and it's down to the halfway mark. The new credenza is working well and the giving me some much needed space.
We have a couple reviews in the queue; however one of the reviewers is trying to game the system. I am very proud that we're all practicing novel coronavirus self-quarantine rules and I expect we'll be back to normal once the quarantines are over. Please be safe, be sane, and be healthy!
The Mail Carrier reports that only about half the Change of address forms are being processed and that phone calls are being mde. We'll know if the change of address postcard worked when mail starts showing up with those distinctive yellow labels. He has been catching mail to the old address and sending it to the new address. The fact that it's the same number is making it easy for them.
To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Please update the address when you have a chance. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page which has been updated with the new address.

'Queer Eye' Star Antoni Porowski Shares Sweaty Shirtless Workout Pic
By Staff
Cyberspace — Need some Monday motivation? Allow "Queer Eye" star Antoni Porowski to inspire you. The food and wine expert took to Instagram over the weekend to share a post-workout snap in which the reality star had just finished a run. And though Porowski is showing off his workout results by going shirtless, his cheeky caption reveals cardio might not be his favorite activity. (More)

Here’s How Our LGBTQ+ Elders Are Faring in the Pandemic
By Donald Padgett
Cyberspace — They are the original friends of Dorothy. They stood on the frontlines at Stonewall, only to later lose countless friends during the HIV/AIDS pandemic of the 1980s. And while they are disproportionately at risk and suffering from the ongoing viral pandemic, these resilient veterans of the early struggles for LGBTQ+ acceptance and inclusion are once again showing they are up for the fight. (More)

Barbra Streisand Releases Tribute Video for COVID-19 Frontline Workers
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — Barbra Streisand released a new video for her track “You’ll Never Walk Alone” as a tribute to frontline healthcare workers on Tuesday. Streisand also encouraged listeners to donate to the nonprofit DirectRelief, which is providing aid during the COVID-19 crisis. (More)

Human Rights Campaign Endorses Joe Biden for President
By Christopher Rudolph
Washington D.C. — The Human Rights Campaign (HRC)’s Board of Directors, comprised of 26 community leaders from across the nation, unanimously voted to endorse Biden for President of the United States in the 2020 race for the White House. (More)

Gay Hairdresser Shows You How to Cut Your Own Hair at Home During Quarantine
By Adrian Garcia
Cyberspace — With many barbers and salons still closed indefinitely and the coronavirus quarantines set to continue for several more weeks in many states, people are experimenting with at-home haircuts — and many have gone horribly wrong! (More)

Supreme Court: First Amendment Issues in the Spotlight
By Lisa Keen
Washington D.C. — While LGBT people nervously await the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions regarding two big employment discrimination cases, the court this month heard arguments in other cases that could have significant impact. (More)

How OnlyFans Is Giving LGBT+ Comic Talent the Freedom to Perform
By Dusty Limits
Cyberspace — Cabaret by definition is a live art form. It’s all about being ‘in the room’, with the audience, no fourth wall, connecting with those people in that moment. It’s ephemeral, and it’s immediate, and that’s what makes it wonderful. (More)