May 19th, 2020
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Coverboy Putting Out Small Fires

Putting Out Smaller Fires...
By Daddy
Las Vegas — The production machine is just about done; Just updating 3rd party software that need to be upgraded to match the new production environment. Only one bee sting so far; the Wizard control that I've been using for several years to vet reviews is showing signs of trauma. It has not been supported for several years and its time has just about expired. I may have to rewrite that portion of the backend.
The development environment performed as expected last night, so tonight's run will be performed on the testing machine. If I find any problems I'll stop and fix them before doing the final testinging of the production machine.
The wound Doctor is happy! There has been significant improvement over the last three weeks. Enough so that I don't have to wander in for Memorial day. Next appointment is June 1st. Oh My! Where has Spring disappeared gone?
Turns out that you can cook ham hock in the crock pot so I'll be trying that sometime this week. Super simple to put together and I'm looking forward to a side dish of (Hocks and Greens) that I haven't had for oh probably 50 years.
To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Please update the address when you have a chance. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page which has been updated with the new address.

Puerto Rico LGBTQ+ Rights in Question After Civil Code Changes
By Mikelle Street
Puerto Rico — Under the veil of secrecy, legislators have crafted and rushed through a new civil code for the island of Puerto Rico. Having passed both the House of Representatives and the Senate, the legislation is awaiting the signature of Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced. But, advocates warn that amendments to the bill made without public debate and adequate time for analyzing could roll back LGBTQ+ rights. (More)

Lady Gaga Eviscerates Invasive Questions About Her Genitals
By Reiss Smith
Hollywood — The clip is taken from a 60 Seconds interview that originally aired in 2011. At the time Gaga’s genitals were, for some reason, fodder for internet rumours and gossip, prompting Cooper to ask her outright whether she had a penis. (More)

This Massive at-Home Performance of Hairspray’s ‘You Can’t Stop the Beat’
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — Approximately 150 alums from the various iterations of Hairspray (Broadway, film, live TV) plus some additional familiar entertainers including Marissa Janet Winokur, Harvey Fierstein, Laura Bell Bundy, Kerry Butler, Matthew Morrison, Jackie Hoffman, Sean Hayes, Nikki Blonsky, Kristin Chenoweth, Randy Rainbow, and Derek Hough came together for an at-home performance of “You Can’t Stop The Beat” which is sure to lift your spirits on a Monday afternoon. (More)

Long-Acting Injectable PrEP Proves More Effective Than Daily Pill
By Christopher Roudolph
Cyberspace — A clinical trail ofcabotegravir, sponsored by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), began in December 2016 and enrolled more than 4,500 participants worldwide. According to Reuters, the drug trial involved transgender women and cisgender men who have sex with other men (MSM), but was “stopped early by an independent monitoring board after cabotegravir was found to be 69% more effective than the current standard of care, Truvada.” The study was later disrupted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. (More)

Daniel Newman Shares His Personal Cellphone Number, Promises He’ll Respond to All of Your Sexts
By Graham Gremore
Cyberspace — Yesterday, Newman posted a video of himself in grey sweatpants and showing off his, um, six pack along with the caption: “Everyone text me 1-404-737-1636 . or click link in my Bio to auto save my number in your phone. (More)

Michael Boston: The Quarantine Q&A
By Brady Jansen
Tampa — As the industry tries to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic along with the rest of the world, GayVN caught up with some talent in front of and behind the camera to see how they were handling the time off—and what they see ahead for their industry and community. (More)

Élite Star Omar Ayuso Video Chats With a Naked Man in Instagram Post
By Taylor Henderson
Cyberspace — Omar Ayuso, star of Netflix's hit Spanish teen drama Élite, is becoming our new king of Thirst Traps! Earlier today, the 22-year-old shared a photo on Instagram: an artsy selfie of his face beautifully catching a triangle of light. But one thing in the bottom corner of the screen caught fans off guard—he seems to be FaceTiming a muscular man who's showing off quite a bit of body. (More)