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Minneapolis - Update


Conner Stevens

Atlanta - 2nd Review


February 4th, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Milo of Minneapolis

Milo of Minneapolis


It Was A Good Weekend!

By Daddy

Las Vegas, NV — When I first got into programming my mentor said: "Sometimes you have to go down a dead-end to find the proper solution." At the time I didn't understand it, but through the years have been reminded of the saying on a few occassions. This weekend was one of those times. The first of the three screens that I've been fighting got scrapped to be replaced with a simple and elegant solution that had been sitting in front of me since I did the low level screens. I got further in the past two days with that one screen than I did in a couple months of weekends.

I made pork and beans from scratch which is a lot easier than most people would imagine and oh so good. One of my comfort foods when the temperature is down in the forties. Next week I think, it'll be chicken noodle from scratch except for the noodles to have around when the temperature is forecast to be in the 30s. It may be time for another "Daddy's Cheap Eats" for the kids.

To all those that donated thank you! As I go into February your donations have already paid for half of the month. My reserves remain at the 16% level. At this time I have about a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

Out.com Jussie Smollett - Soul Is Stronger

Jussie Smollett Breaks Silence After Racist, Homophobic Attack

By Mathew Rodriguez

Hollywood — Jussie Smollett has just spoken out about the racist, homophobic attack that left him hospitalized with a fractured rib. (More)


Gay Adult Performer Fined £1,000 for Filming Threesome on London Tube in Sight of Passengers

By Staff

London, England — Adult film performer George Mason has been fined £1,000 for filming a scene on the London Underground with former partner Nicholas Mullan and a third unidentified man in front of other passengers and posting it to social media. (More)

Michael Walker - Down To The Skin

Michael Walker on Getting Under the Surface and Down to the Skin

By Kilian Melloy

Broadway — As questions go, it's such a cliche that it's almost a punchline: "Would you do a nude scene?" (More)

Gay Star News

Instagram deletes account of world famous photographer Tom Bianchi

By Shannon Power

Cyberespace — World renowned photographer known for shooting male nudes, Tom Bianchi, has had his Instagram account deleted. Instagram notified Bianchi that it blocked his account for violating ‘community guidelines’. (More)

queerty.com Quinton Peron - Superbowl Cheerleader

Our favorite two male cheerleaders will perform at this year’s Superbowl

By David Reddish

Atlanta, GA — In a refreshing move away from the controversies currently plaguing the NFL, this Sunday’s Superbowl will feature a history-making event. For the first time, two male cheerleaders will take to the field in support of their teams. (More)

Megan Mullally Unearths Epic Lost Photo With Naked Sean Hayes

By Brandon Voss

Hollywood — Will & Grace stars Megan Mullally and Sean Hayes toasted this week’s mid-season return of their Emmy-winning NBC comedy with one helluva throwback. (More)

365 Gay Eric Lueshen - Out NFL Kicker

26 Football Players Who Came Out of the Closet

By Jacob Ogles

Cyberspace — A kicker for the Nebraska Cornhuskers who played from 2003 through 2005, Eric Lueshen told Outsports he was open about being gay and suffered relentless bullying from a handful of teammates. (More)