February 13th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Timarrie Baker of Portland, OR

It's Time To Use The Last Of The Chicken...
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — The heater has started up again, this time durning the day. We're in the hight 40s right now with the wind chill feeling like mid 40s. Last night it was in the low 30's and the heated mattress pad was wonderful!
The eggs are boiled, the left over chicken is cubed, and last night I braved the cold to pick up celery and green onions. Wouldn't you know it, that chicken is now on sale for 77 cents per pound. [Sigh!]
To all those that donated thank you! My reserves remain at the 16% level. At this time I have about a months reserves left. Any help is appreciated.

A Major ‘Arrow’ Character Just Said ‘I’m Gay’
By Harron Walker
Hollywood — A major character on Arrow, the CW series based on DC Comics superhero Green Arrow, finally confirmed that he’s gay. William Clayton, the son of the CW show’s titular lead, has casually indicated that he’s not straight in past episodes. (More)

Virginia Sex Allegations are Latest Against State Officials
By David A. Lieb (AP)
Virgina — Virginia's lieutenant governor has denied newly publicized allegations that he sexually assaulted two women years ago and has vowed to continue serving in office. It's a scenario that already has played out in several other states, with differing conclusions. (More)

L.A. Rams’ Cheerleader Napoleon Jinnies Talks About Being Gay And Bullied Growing Up
By Savas Abadsidis
Los Angeles, CA — In a moving personal essay on Refinery 129 L.A. Rams’ Napoleon Jinnies talks about growing up gay in his sports oriented family and his excitement when he saw Quinton Peron at his audition, “There was an instant understanding of the situation for both of us. Most auditions are high intensity — it’s everyone gunning for a spot and nobody in the room is your friend. For us, it was this excitement that there were two boys there. We went into this holding hands.” (More)

Gus Kenworthy Shuts Down Twitter Hater In Epic Takedown
By David Reddish
Cyberspace — Out former Olympian Gus Kenworthy has snapped back at a Twitter troll who referred to his athletic ability as “utter sh*t.” (More)

This Gay Man Just Won A Major Award For His Groundbreaking LGBTI Wikipedia
By James Besanvalle
Great Britian — Jonathan Harbourne just won a major award for his groundbreaking Wikipedia-style LGBTI website. The London-based gay man started the UK LGBT Archive in 2011. It has since become the largest online encyclopedia of British LGBTI history. (More)
The 22 Funniest Queer Jokes From LGBTQ Comics
By Michael Musto
Cyberspace — Being queer isn’t always a riot—unless we’re talking about Stonewall—but many times, we’re funnier than anyone else because we poke fun at offending targets with aplomb while also making light of our own quirks and foibles (and sex habits). I’ve rounded up some up and coming queer comics and asked them for their best material, even jokes where we are (lovingly) the punchline. Let’s laugh along and carry on. (More)

87 Reasons to Go to the Sun-Drenched LGBTQ Task Force Winter Party
By Staff
Miami Beach, FL — The Winter Party Festival produced by the National LGBTQ Task Force is one of the world’s largest and best-loved celebrations for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community. (More)