September 5th, 2019
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Coverboy Sharok of West Hollywood

Doctor Visit Today
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Visited the infectious disease Doctor today. No surprises, other than a recommendation that I see a dermatologist for the Psoriasis flare up that is complicating things. The antibiotic dosage was halved and I go back in four weeks. I still have to do the blood labs each week however. First visit to the New wound clinic tomorrow.
August Bills are mostly covered and only have fumes left. I'll be eating out of the freezer for a couple weeks! The reserves are depleted. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Netflix’s New Dark Crystal Prequel Has Gay Dads
By Mikelle Street
Hollywood — To say we’ve ever seen the original 1982 Dark Crystal would be a lie. And we don’t lie to our readers at Out magazine. But when the prequel launched as a 10-episode series on Netflix this weekend, we binged it. What we found nestled in the fantastical, and at times, bewildering world of Thra, is a pair of gay dads, without whom, we wouldn’t have a film. (More)

Broadway Secret: A Frequent Flyer Program For Theater Fans
By Mark Kennedy (AP)
Broaqdway — This past spring, dance teacher Donna Cory and one of her students took in the new "Oklahoma!" revival on Broadway. They thought the musical was bold and historic and urgently current. But perhaps one of the coolest things about the experience was the cost — $0. (More)

‘Younger,’ ‘Elite,’ A New Camp Classic And More TV This Week
By Bobby Hankinson
Hollywood — Take your sexy teen drama with a side of telenovela Friday with new episodes of the Spanish-language series Elite on Netflix. The show features multiple queer characters, including our favorite pair, Omar and Ander. (More)

Jeff Goldblum Gyrating For A Crowd Of Gay Partiers Is A Mood
By Staff
New Orleans — Southern Decadence, the annual gay Labor Day street party in New Orleans, really delivers on its name. It’s as decadent as it gets. (More)

Boston’s Human Rights Commission Relaunched After Hate Crime Spike
By Kate Sosin
Boston — Boston might have been all over your Twitter timeline this weekend for holding the country’s first “straight pride” parade, but city officials are making moves to combat an uptick in hate-motivated incidents. Mayor Marty Walsh has revived the city’s Human Rights Commission, which has been inactive for 23 years. (More)

Grace And Frankie, A TV Milestone For Gay Seniors And Women, Retires
By Daniel Reynolds
Hollywood — Farewell, Grace and Frankie. The Netflix show, first launched in 2015, will take a bow after its seventh season — making it the series with the longest run on the streaming platform. (More)

Stop Calling It A Choice: Biological Factors Drive Homosexuality
By Bill Sullivan
Boston — Across cultures, 2 percent to 10 percent of people report having same-sex relations. In the U.S., 1 percent to 2.2 percent of women and men, respectively, identify as gay. Despite these numbers, many people still consider homosexual behavior to be an anomalous choice. However, biologists have documented homosexual behavior in more than 450 species, arguing that same-sex behavior is not an unnatural choice, and may in fact play a vital role within populations. (More)