September 18th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Gabriel Cross of London

Reworking The Fix
By Daddy
Las Vegas — I'm revisiting the ReCaptha fix at the request of authors. They've suggested a slightly different approach that's actually more elegant. I'll need to verify that the new fix works.
Reminder: I'd also like to receive reviews on those venues that would be of interest to our community. Bed & Breakfasts, Resorts, Bars, Strip clubs, anywhere that a mature Gay man that happens to have eye candy on his arm would be comfortable at.
I was asked the best way to bake a whole chicken. Rather than write it up I found a YouTube video that is very close to my method: The Most Fool-Proof Roast Chicken You'll Ever Make! If you want a more elaborate method check Gordon Ramsay's video: Stuffed Roast Chicken however try the basic method first, it's very tasty.
Current projections are that I have enough to cover rent. We're in need of hosting fees and power. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Dan Levy Is Our Fashion Issue Cover Star
By Phillip Picardi
Hollywood — Dan Levy knows, perhaps a little too well, that all good things must come to an end. Barely one year after Schitt’s Creek — the show he created, produced, wrote, and starred in — became an international phenomenon, Levy resolved to bring the series to its finale. (More)

‘DARE’ Is Back For A Sequel 15 Years Later
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — The gay short film DARE made a huge impression on audiences in 2004 with its story of Ben (Adam Fleming) and Johnny (Michael Cassidy), lustful teen crushes, and forbidden gay love in high school. (More)

Openly Gay Tech Company Founder In The Running For Indiana Governor
By Kilian Melloy
Indiana — He's openly gay. He's married. And he's making history by running for the governorship of the state that gave us Mike Pence. (More)

“SNL” Fires Shane Gillis For Homophobic And Racist Comments
By Sam Manzella
Hollywood — The Saturday Night Live team has fired one of its newly announced cast members after his history of racist and homophobic jokes sparked outrage. (More)

Ian McKellen’s Thowback Pic With Young Tom Hardy
By David Hudson
Hollywood — Happy birthday to British actor, Tom Hardy! The hunky star turned 42 on Sunday. Among those wishing Hardy birthday wishes was fellow actor, Ian McKellen. The respected thespian and LGBTQ activist posted to his Instagram and Twitter. (More)

Kink Petitions Ninth Circuit To Tell Its Insurance Co. To Insure
By Mark Kernes
San Francisco — It's been about four years since three adult performers—two men and a woman—filed suit against Kink's Armory Studios, its manager Peter Acworth and its "tenant" Cybernet Entertainment LLC, charging that they'd contracted HIV during shoots they'd participated in at Armory Studios, but that long battle is set for another go-round as Acworth and Armory have just asked the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to force the company's insurance carrier, Attain Specialty Insurance Co., to do what it had contracted to do: insure. (More)

Downton Abbey's Thomas At A Gay Bar With The Dowager? It Could Happen
By Tracy E. Gilchrist
BBC — Once dubbed the “evil gay footman,” a moniker that was at once a trope and also unapologetically delicious considering the character's machinations, Rob James-Collier’s Thomas rose to the prominent title of head butler to the Crawley family toward the end of the series. (More)