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September 9th, 2019

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Daddy Logo

Progress On ReCaptcha

By Daddy

Las Vegas — I was able to finish up the ReCaptcha code over the weekend. There were a total of three problems with the PHP library. I'm in the process of setting up a Github for the project which will allow me to give them the changes. I'm going spend a couple of days doing some cleanup of the code and then move everything to the testing server. Buddy Beagle will be our coverboy while I do this.

Health wise things are starting to stabilize and I'm seeing minor improvements to the wound. I was able to get some much needed rest over the weekend. I'm getting a knee scooter as they want me off of my heel as much as possible. I still need to line up a dermatologist for the psoriasis flare up. I've been told there have been major improvements since the last time I went to one.

August bills including the two big bills that were a surprise are now taken care. The freezer is mostly cleaned out which is a good thing. I keep about a three week supply of food in there and I need to cycle through it periodically. Watching the money very carefully as I don't have much left and need to start putting it away for September bills. The reserves are depleted. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo Orlando Bloom Says His Junk Isn’t As Big As You Think

Orlando Bloom Says His Junk Isn’t As Big As You Think

By Serena Sonoma

Hollywood — In 2016, the Lord of the Rings actor put on a show while paddleboarding naked in Sardinia with fiancée Katy Perry. The photos went viral partly because fans were impressed by the size of his package. (More)

Edge Logo

NOAA Assailed For Defending Trump's Hurricane Dorian Claim

By Seth Borenstein (AP)

Washington D.C. — Former top officials of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are assailing the agency for undermining its weather forecasters as it defends President Donald Trump's statement from days ago that Hurricane Dorian threatened Alabama. (More)

TowleRoad Logo Rio De Janeiro Authorities Ban ‘Avengers’ Comic Book Series Over Gay Kiss

Rio De Janeiro Authorities Ban ‘Avengers’ Comic Book Series Over Gay Kiss

By Andy Towle

Rio De Janeiro — Officials in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil have banned the comic book series Avengers: The Children’s Crusade because of a kiss between two male characters. (More)

Queerty Logo

Gay Adult Studios Are Secretly Sneaking Condoms Into ‘condomless’ Scenes

By Daniel Villarreal

Cyberspace — Once upon a time, gay adult studios rarely showed condomless sex scenes because they were considered “risky” “irresponsible” for allegedly encouraging the spread of HIV or viewers might go out and worsen the HIV epidemic by imitating the film’s performers. (More)

Logo Logo RuPaul Bets On First Live “Drag Race” Residency In Las Vegas

RuPaul Bets On First Live “Drag Race” Residency In Las Vegas

By Brandon Voss

Las Vegas — RuPaul announced today during the third annual RuPaul’s DragCon NYC, held at Manhattan’s Javits Center, that RuPaul’s Drag Race is rolling the dice on its debut Las Vegas residency. RuPaul’s Drag Race Live! hits the stage beginning January 2020 at the Flamingo Las Vegas. (More)

Vice Logo

Aussie Sportswriter Charged $68,000 For Single Beer At Hotel Bar

By Jelisa Castrodale

Manchester — Peter Lalor, who covers cricket and beer for The Australian, said that he asked the bartender at the Malmaison for a brew that wasn't "an American craft beer or a Eurolager." After he consulted with the bar manager, he ended up with a bottle of Deuchars, a Scottish IPA, and he also ended up with a tab that might be one of the most expensive of all time, ever. (More)

Advocate Logo Becoming Nobody Sheds Light On Out Spiritual Teacher Ram Dass

Becoming Nobody Sheds Light On Out Spiritual Teacher Ram Dass

By Tracy E. Gilchrist

Hollywood — A Philosopher, spiritual teacher, and author of several books including Be Here Now, Ram Dass is the subject of the new documentary Becoming Nobody from director and writer Jamie Catto. The film juxtaposes a recent lively in-depth interview with the 88-year-old Dass (born Richard Alpert) with archival footage of the teacher espousing his philosophy of being. (More)