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New York City - 1st Review

New Review w/Photo

Dominic Pacifico

Las Vegas - 1st Review


September 25th, 2019

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Scott of New York City

Scott  of New York City


Daddy Logo

Took A Nap...

By Daddy

Las Vegas — Oh My! Laid down to take a nap and didn't wake up until after dark. So I'm working quickly to get the news and reviews out.

I was finally able to get the rest of my medications today and my lab draws done. I hopefully only have one more week playin the leading role as a pin cushion.

Starting the design for the "Reviewer" & "Reviewed" screens. These screens are going to be a bit different because they need to show different fields depending on who's accessing them (i.e. some fields only Daddy gets to see.). I'll be starting with the "Reviewer" screen as it's much simpler.

The Rent and Hosting Fees are just barely covered and I have two bills that's due now. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo Jonathan Van Ness Calls Out Trump Over Planned Parenthood Defunding

Jonathan Van Ness Calls Out Trump Over Planned Parenthood Defunding

By Mikelle Street

Hollywood — After revealing to the world that he is living with HIV, Jonathan Van Ness is already hard at work on his mission to help de-stigmatize the virus and topics surrounding it. The member of Queer Eye’s Fab Five uploaded a video from a sexual health campaign to Instagram on Monday. The spot was created in collaboration with Planned Parenthood. (More)

Edge Logo

Pelosi Announces Impeachment Probe Into Trump

By Lisa Mascaro, Mary Clare Jalonick and Michael Balsamo (AP)

Washington D.C. — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump on Tuesday, acquiescing to mounting pressure from Democratic lawmakers following reports that Trump may have sought a foreign government's help in his reelection bid. (More)

TowleRoad Logo Am Smith And Renee Zellweger Cover Judy Garland’s ‘Get Happy’

Am Smith And Renee Zellweger Cover Judy Garland’s ‘Get Happy’

By Staff

Hollywood — Sam Smith and Renee Zellweger duet for a cover of Judy Garland’s “Get Happy”, which she first performed in the 1950 film Summer Stock. The track is one of several being released ahead of the Judy biopic. (More)

Logo Logo

Eight Totally Rad 1980s Fitness Hunks Who Totally Made Us Gay

By Lester Fabian Brathwaite

Cyberspace — Watching Gus Kenworthy and his perm peel off his tank top in last week’s premiere of American Horror Story: 1984 made me feel a lot of things. Downstairs. (More)

Queerty Logo Bee Lands On Pete Buttigieg And His – And Husband’s – Response Is Perfect

Bee Lands On Pete Buttigieg And His – And Husband’s – Response Is Perfect

By David Hudson

Iowa — Democratic Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg had to deal with an unexpected distraction whilst on the campaign trail yesterday. (More)


Federal Court Hears Woodhull's Appeal Challenging FOSTA

By Gustavo Turner

Washington D.C. — A group led by prestigious free speech and sexual expression organizations suing the U.S. government to block enforcement of the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) appeared this morning at the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to ask for a reversal of a district court judge’s decision to dismiss their case. (More)

Advocate Logo 53 Photos Of High Homodays From Hebro

53 Photos Of High Homodays From Hebro

By Christopher Harrity

New York City — High Homodays is Hebro's (www.myhebro.com) annual High Holiday party, this year celebrating 5780! Almost 400 Stars of David and the goytoys that love them came out to party at the all new Chelsea Music Hall in Manhattan! Hosted by Lady SinaGaGa with the latest pop and Jew tunes from DJ Nandi! Manischewitz shots poured through the night (at no charge!) that kept all the boys out for a night that truly brought out the party 'n pray needed before the Rosh Hashanah! (More)