September 20th, 2019
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Brian Kevin of Cleveland

All I Want To Do Is Slee
By Daddy
Las Vegas — I'm taking it easy today as I'm still a bit under the weather. About the only thing I want to do is sleep. Starting to think that it's the flu, I did have a flu shot last week. So lots of liquids, lots of sleep this weekend.
I think I'll work on updating the ReCaptha documentation while I'm waiting on feedback on the changes I suggested. The author is in Spain so we're about 9 hours out of sync with each other. I'm probably going to take a long weekend to knock down the nine bugs/features that have accumulated over the last month or so.
September bills are about 2/3s covered. Any help is appreciated. How to Donate Page

Mark Ronson Just Came Out As Sapiosexual
By Rose Dommu
BBC — The Oscar-winning producer told the hosts of ‘Good Morning Britain’ that he’s more attracted to intelligence than gender. (More)

The Tudors Explored
By Staff
Boston — One of the nation's most adventurous opera companies, Odyssey Opera, begins its seventh season with a concert performance of "Henry VIII" (More)

Queer Pop Star Morgxn On Newfound Fame, Music And Love
By David Reddish
Hollywood — “I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. Which is ironic, since I’m Jewish.” Morgxn doesn’t try to hide his excitement. The rising musical star has come to Los Angeles on his latest tour to play the fabled Troubador rock venue. (More)

Nonbinary Pronoun “They” Added To Merriam-Webster Dictionary
By Jeff Tayler
Springfield — The dictionary now defines “they” as “used to refer to a single person whose gender identity is nonbinary,” along with three other definitions. (More)

Justin Trudeau Tells Reporters ‘I Should Have Known Better’
By Andy Towle
Canada — Said Trudeau: “I dressed up in an Aladdin costume and put make-up on. I shouldn’t have done that. I should have known better … and I’m really sorry. … I’m pissed off at myself, I’m disappointed in myself.” (More)

FSC Lawyer Shines At Latest Hearing In 2257 Legal Saga
By Gustavo Turner
Philadelphia — The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit held a hearing last Thursday concerning the years-long litigation challenging the constitutionality of 18 U.S.C. § 2257, known more commonly in the adult industry as "2257," pitting the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and the other plaintiffs, the "appellees/cross-appellants," against the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). (More)

Where The 2020 Democratic Candidates Stand On LGBTQ Issues
By Trudy Ring
Iowa — his Friday, 10 candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination will appear in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for the LGBTQ Presidential Forum, cosponsored by The Advocate. I (More)