February 7th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Grant Stone of Atlanta

Work Continues On The News Backend
By Daddy
Las Vegas — After three slow days, I've resumed working on the News Backend to replace the control that's gone flaky on the vastest version of the PHP framework that I use. There are three sections to the page, the first "Headline Info" is done and I'm working on the second the "News Teasers" which will require a bit of tricky coding. The last the "Review Info" is a variation of the 2nd so should go quickly.
To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Watch RuPaul’s Teaser For His First 'Saturday Night Live'
By Mikelle Street
Hollywood — It is almost here ladies and gents. After a 30 year career in entertainment, and being the subject of multiple references on the show, RuPaul Charles will make his first appearance on Saturday Night Live this Saturday. Yes, it’s a long time coming (More)

Nepal Census Will Add 3rd Gender, Recognizing LGBTQ Minority
By Binaj Gurubacharya (AP)
Asia — Nepal will count a third gender in its next population census, for the first time counting LGBT people as a minority group that can be allocated government jobs and education. (More)

Can This Streaming Soap Opera Kick Off A New Wave Of Trans Storytelling?
By Samantha Allen
Hollywood — Scott Turner Schofield is learning what it’s like to play himself—or at least a version of himself. Five years ago, the actor made history on The Bold and the Beautiful when he became the first openly transgender actor with a major role on a daytime soap opera. (More)

With Trump Acquittal, Senate Republicans Ripped Up The Constitution
By John Casey
Washington D.C. — We woke up Wednesday morning to the images of Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripping up Donald Trump’s fiction of a State of the Union. We went to bed last night knowing that Senate Republicans did something even more dramatic. They shredded our constitution. Their actions will be studied for generations. A lesson in how democracy, at a brief period in the history of the United States, temporarily went off the rails. (More)

What’s It Really Like At Key West’s Clothing-Optional, All-Male Resort?
By Bobby Hankinson
Key West — The first thing you must understand about Island House is that it could only really exist in a place like Key West, where the vibrant LGBTQ community is firmly established and the island’s welcome “come as you are” attitude all but requires visitors to drop any semblance of pretense … and, well, clothing. (More)

Jokes Come Flying In After Man Gets Upset About The LGBT Sandwich
By Dan Tracer
United Kingdom — Tariq Nasheed, who writes books for men to become better pick-up artists (no thank you), tweeted a photo of the “LGBT” (that’s Lettuce, Guac, Bacon, Tomato) sandwich sold in British supermarket Marks & Spencers around Pride 2019. (More)

Ireland Will Have Same-sex Dance Pairings On Dancing With The Stars
By Nick Duffy
Ireland — Ireland’s Dancing with the Stars will feature two same-sex dance pairings – showing Strictly Come Dancing how it’s done. (More)