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Minneapolis - 2nd Review

New Review w/Photo


Chicago - 1st Review


February 14th, 2020

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Damian of Minneapolis

Damian of Minneapolis


Daddy Logo

Happy Valentine's Day!

By Daddy

Las Vegas — What do I when I get up unreasonably early? I go ahead and set up the news for the day. So to all of you:

"I love you for a lifetime,
Not only for a day.
I love you for who you are,
Not what you do or say.

When I wake up later this afternoon, I plan to work on cleaning up interface issues on News Page. I'm going to take a 3-day weekend to give me time to clean up the huge mess I made getting to a working solution. I hope to start dogfooding for the Tuesday production.

I just changed the bandaid and the wound looks wonderfully small. As soon as the wound is judged closed, I'll start on a rebuilding my lower body strength that faded away over the last six months.

To all those that have donated, Thank you! I have one bill left to be paid over the next couple weeks (February is always problematic since it's a short month.) Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo Sony Reportedly Wants A Bisexual Spider-Man In An Upcoming Movie

Sony Reportedly Wants A Bisexual Spider-Man In An Upcoming Movie

By Mikelle Street

Hollywood — Last year, Tom Holland told the world that he would like to see a gay Spider-Man. It was a part of a video interview for GQ and he said he thought it would “be a very progressive way to kind of create a new character.” He also went on to say that he hoped to one day share a screen with that character. Well, it looks like Sony is on one accord with him. Mostly. (More)

Edge Logo

Patients Stuck With Bills After Insurers Don't Pay As Promised

By Lauren Weber

Wisconsin — The more than $34,000 in medical bills that contributed to Darla and Andy Markley's bankruptcy and loss of their home in Beloit, Wisconsin, grew out of what felt like a broken promise. (More)

TowleRoad Logo Pete Davidson Jokes About Tugging A Gay Guy’s D

Pete Davidson Jokes About Tugging A Gay Guy’s D

By Andy Towle

Hollywood — Pete Davidson has an upcoming Netflix standup comedy special called Alive From New York and the newly-released trailer reveals a series of gags about his gay friendships. (More)

Queerty Logo

Man Told His Dead Husband’s Healthy Organs Are Too Gay For Donation

By Graham Gremore

Cyberspace — “My husband Sean was an organ donor,” Tom Reinert writes on Facebook. “He believed that when he passed on if his organs could go to someone in need that it would be a great thing. He was incredibly kind and giving in every way imaginable as many of his closest friends are well aware.” (More)

Logo Logo Queer Sh*t To Watch This Week

Queer Sh*t To Watch This Week

By Staff

Hollywood — NewNowNext spotlights the latest (and queerest) movies, TV shows, webseries, and other LGBTQ shit for your viewing pleasure in our weekly watch list. Grab your popcorn, squirrel friends! (More)

Bay Windows Logo

Appeals Court Says Names May Stay On Birth Certificates

By Lisa Keen

Indiana — A federal appeals panel of Republican appointees ruled that the state of Indiana must treat same-sex married couples the same as male-female married couples when determining who to list on a child’s birth certificate. (More)

Advocate Logo How A Gay 'Fanboy' Created An Unforgettable Laura Dern Tribute

How A Gay 'Fanboy' Created An Unforgettable Laura Dern Tribute

By Daniel Reynolds

Hollywood — Last weekend, LGBTQ movie fans rejoiced when Laura Dern received a musical tribute at the Independent Spirit Awards from the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles. (More)