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Domini King

New York City - 3rd Review



Long Beach - 3rd Review


February 24th, 2020

Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.

It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coverboy Domini King of New York City

Domini King of New York City


Daddy Logo

All But The Last One!

By Daddy

Las Vegas — Todays news was brought the new backend. It worked except for the very last action: "Activate" which turns the page on. So once again I need to debug that pesky little problem. Nine bugs/features todo before I switch it over development environment. That one PHP framework was a lot more work that I bargained for. However, the result is easy on the eyes and easier to use.

I still have to count the pennies however I think I have all of February bills taken care of. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo Brian J Smith To Join 'The Matrix' 4 In Unknown Role

Brian J Smith To Join 'The Matrix' 4 In Unknown Role

By Staff

Hollywood — Looks like Sense 8’s Brian J Smith has another gig on the horizon. The actor has just been announced as a part of the next installment in The Matrix series. As of yet, there’s been no news of what role Smith will play — nor any of the other actors for that matter. Maybe Mr. Smith will play some version of Agent Smith? To on the nose? You’re right. (More)

Edge Logo

Brazilian Transgender Dancer Shatters Carnival Parade Taboo

By Associated Press

Brazil — When dancer Camila Prins entered Sao Paulo's Carnival parade grounds, a costume of feathers clinging to her sinuous body, she fulfilled a dream of feminine beauty nearly three decades old. (More)

TowleRoad Logo Catholic Bishop Admits to Forcing Out Beloved Gay Teachers, After Lying About It

Catholic Bishop Admits to Forcing Out Beloved Gay Teachers, After Lying About It

By Staff

Seattle — After two beloved gay teachers were apparently forced out of their jobs at a Catholic high school, a spokesman for the Seattle Archdiocese claimed that “no one requested their resignation — no one.” Not only was the spokesman’s statement a lie, but it also reportedly violated the terms of a confidentiality agreement between the archdiocese and the teachers, freeing their attorney to reveal the truth. (More)

Queerty Logo

Conservatives Are Furious At Gay People For Utah Decriminalizing Dolygamy

By David Reddish

Utah — The state Senate of Utah voted this week to reclassify polygamy from a felony to a misdemeanor crime. In an oh-so-predictable twist, conservatives have already blamed marriage equality. (More)

Advocate Logo Bernie Sanders Continues Victories With Nevada Caucus Win

Bernie Sanders Continues Victories With Nevada Caucus Win

By Trudy Ring

Nevada — Bernie Sanders has continued his string of victories in the Democratic nominating contest, winning the Nevada caucus Saturday. Major media outlets called the caucus for the independent U.S. senator from Vermont with 4 percent of precincts reporting late Saturday afternoon. He had 54.1 percent of the vote at that time, based on county convention delegates, which will determine how many pledged delegates a candidate receives toward the national nomination. (More)

Pink News Logo

Many queer men do not understand risk of HPV infection, study shows

By Patrick Kelleher

New York City — Many queer men have little to no understanding of the risk of contracting the human papillomavirus (HPV) through sex, a study has found. (More)

Logo Logo Conversion Therapy Survivor Garrard Conley Confronts Former Leader in Powerful Video

Conversion Therapy Survivor Garrard Conley Confronts Former Leader in Powerful Video

By Staff

Cyberspace — In the inaugural video for Logo’s new Face to Face series, Conley—whose heart-wrenching memoir Boy Erased was turned into a feature film in 2018—spoke directly with Game for the first time. Although Game has since come out as gay and denounced the deadly practice he helped perpetuate, the former leader of the so-called “ex-gay movement” witnessed the devastating effects of conversion therapy firsthand when closeted LGBTQ people he worked with attempted suicide. (More)