February 19th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy JC of Los Angeles

One Of Those Days When Nothing Works!
By Daddy
Las Vegas — The UI said that the page for the 19th was active but you couldn't tell it by the site. I manually it turned on after everything else was said and done. Make that 13th Bugs/Features in the list, however I did manage to get two bugs fixed in between other problems. The major kill-joy was that the copy/paste button to get the New page onto the site and the button to export the V3 review information was doing a remarkably good impression of a drunk with his head in the toilet. Both are now fixed.
The wound nurse showed up with that cheerful day person attitude that makes us night crawlers want to go buy automatic weapons. Soon enough done, as it's basically a bit of Silver Alginate and a large bandaid. Off I go to the Senior Center to try Chair Yoga to find out that they between Sessions, "please come back next week."
I'm going to finish a couple reviews and go to bed. When I get up to take my evening meds, I'll flip on the reviews for the 20th from the old UI and double check that it worked.
I still have to count the pennies however I think I have all of February bill taken care of. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Marvel Reveals Husband in First Gay Superhero Couple
By Staff
Hollywood — It was big news when rumors start to break that Marvel would truly, finally get a gay superhero. Slowly by slowly more details have emerged about the upcoming The Eternals film, and been confirmed by Marvel itself. (More)

Randy Rainbow Pops Off on the Lawless President
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — Randy Rainbow has delivered some lyrical masterpieces but his latest craftwork, inspired by Dua Lipa’s smash hit “New Rules”, is up there with the best of them. (More)

Justin Bieber Finally Shaves Mustache, 'Baby Face Bieb' Returns
By Staff
Hollywood — As he's been promoting his new album "Changes," Justin Bieber was sporting a thick mustache — a new look for the pop star who is reinventing his style. But over the weekend, the "Yummy" singer shared a video of himself shaving off the 'stache, returning to his "Baby Face Bieb." (More)

Finding Gay Love on an App? See You Soon Film Shows It Happens
By Daniel Reynolds
Cyberspace — ee You Soon, a new short film by Tyler Rabinowitz, stars James Cusati-Moyer (Slave Play) and Jonny Beauchamp (Kate Keene) as Vincent and Anthony, men on the opposite sides of the country who fall for one another after meeting on a dating app. (More)

Meet the Queer Artist Whose Beach Boys Cover Made Aidy Bryant Cry on “Shrill”
By John Russell
Hollywood — The second season of Hulu’s Shrill is full of cover songs. And while all of the show’s leads get a musical moment to punctuate their character arcs, the standout performance comes from a guest star: At the end of Episode 2, newly empowered journalist Annie (Aidy Bryant) and roommate Fran (Lolly Adefope) treat themselves to a girls’ night at a queer party where comedian and singer Peter Smith brings down the house with their searing rendition of the Beach Boys’ “God Only Knows.” (More)

Buttigieg “ready,” as focus shifts to his being gay
By Lisa Keen
United States — Presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg’s being gay made him stand out in the first few months of his campaign last year, earning him a surge of media attention that his relatively obscure reputation as the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, might not have inspired at the time. But focus on that character trait died down as Buttigieg introduced voters to the rest of his resume and his ability to thoughtfully respond to issues and debate. (More)

KJ Apa bares his finest assets on national television
By Staff
Hollywood — Riverdale star KJ Apa faced the question for Ellen Degeneres’ birthday, and he arrived at an answer we truly did not expect. The 22-year-old actor recorded a birthday video for Ellen, offering her two healthy servings of cake towards the end when his reflection comes into focus. (More)