January 1st, 2021
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Happy New Year!
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — As I often tell people: "I tie a knot on the end of the rope and I swing back and forth laughing manically!" I'm perfectly willing to forget 2020. 2021 will still be a crazy year but the Lord 'n Lady willing all will be well in the end.
Just as I took a break for the Holidays, so did the flow of reviews. Now that we're in the new year, new reviews will start showing up in dribs and drabs. Once the bucket has a reasonable number I'll start posting them again.
This year since I can't go anywhere for my vacation my two goals are to sleep every day as much as I want and to take care of the Tuits that have accumulated over the last year or so.
To all those that donated last month, Thank you! I survived 2020 and have a start on the January bills. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page
01/02/21 — The first Tuit has been completed. If you remember, several months ago I created a workstation credenza using two Ikea cubes and a sheet of furniture grade plywood plus odds 'n ends from various places (mostly Reuse of the Recycle/ReUse/Reclaim fame.) In my hurry to get all the equipment back in place and working, I managed to create a rats nest of cables that tempted me to use scissors to tame. Today armed with new power strips and Velcro I can proudly can say that it is now possible to get back there without pain.
01/03/21 — Who doesn't like to sleep in a freshly made bed? I've been putting it off because it means a couple extra large loads to wash. And a corner strap on the header mattress pad to be repaired. After I was done I collapsed into the bed and took a nap. That was a lot of work for an old fat man with a bad foot.
01/07/21 — I'm still in shock. I happened to be watching CSPAN when I watched the Senate and House chambers be invaded in real time. I was in tears as I watched the Congress be bravely protected and escorted to "undisclosed locations." I was still in tears when I watched Congress reconvene to finish the counting of the electoral votes. Has the split in the United States deepen to the point where "we're past the point of no return?" I pray not, but as a nation we have to do some major course corrections.